I always buy Sony and sometimes Maxell discs. I bought a Maxell 30-pack because it was on sale, the discs are ProdiscF02 I hate ProdiscF02 talk about bad luck. In order to project a quality ratio of about 95% I read in other forums that these discs must be recorded at 8X. I've been having trouble recording at speeds above 2X. I've never recorded at speeds over 2X because I've never needed to and I don't like to, CD-R is recorded at full speed set at any given speed. My drive increases write speed in stages. I use Imgburn to burn images, after about 5 minutes of writing the write speed increases slightly and it never reaches the set speed. I don't know how to set my recorder speed at full speed from the get go. By recording in stages, my discs don't project a high quality ratio. The recoding layer of disc when finished the appearance is in different shades of rings, the indication of when the speed increased. I don?t know if there is a solution to my recorder. Changing the recorder I/O interface within Imgburn will this correct the problem? The only interface that my PC has is SPTI.
The good or bad about the pack I bought is that I've already wasted about 15 discs. If I can alter the software of my recorder I would at least like to use the rest of them, or as a last resort I would need to try them out on another recorder or trade discs amongst my friends who can record at 8X.
There aren't any of those two brands in any of my local stores. I need to order them through the internet, I always buy Sony made from Japan. This is the first time it has happened. I some how knew when I grabbed them from the shelf that these were bad discs, hasn't it happened to you, somehow you just know. I always get Maxell for movies and this is the first time it has happened. I use Sony for everything else. I guess I have to destroy the discs I've recorded and re-record on Sony before I delete anything from my drive.