I just got a new psp DCed it to 3.90M33 and I can't get any program to work for using usbhosts to play eboots and isos over usb.(not buying a new memstick till 16gb comes out next year)
I have tried easiest one irshell: usbhosts work but isos and others eboot freeze the psp
Custom firmware Extender: Finds the isos starts to play them but plays the umd instead or turns off
UsbMount : found the isos but froze when loading them.
I know isos work on the psp my tried moving some psp and psx isos overand they worked straight but i have a small mem stick.
I have been up and down google anybody have any ideas. need help my bigest stick is 2gb and i would like to not have to wait for isos to be shurken down or have to only have one game on at a time.
And before ppl start bsing about you should buy games. I do and have plenty of them. but carrying around a bunch of umds is a hassle. Plus with my old phat psp(got stolen while i slept) load times were a lot longer than the isos. plus the isos could be shurenken a lot.
if you download pspiso compressor from psp hacks you can shrink an iso to a cso and believe me it works fine because ive only got 1 gb mem stk and all of my games are cso's
yea i know about compression but it doesn't help for games like crisis core and GOW
my point is that even with compression I still can't fit them all on and I hate waiting for the long usb 2.0 transfer periods when I used to be able to stream from my computer. I only want to take along with me certain games and still be able to play the rest off of my comp without having to delete and copy over