I've had my CFW goin for about a day now, and have gotten some decent NES, SNES, GBA, and Genesis emulators working on it, but mainly just by downloading the most up to date versions out there. Older versions didn't work for some reason (Id get an error message from the PSP or they would freeze up the PSP).
So now Im looking at arcade emulation, mainly CPS/CPS2 and NeoGeo. The only emulators Ive found for this are the ones by NJ, and Ive got version 1.01 of the CPS2 emu, and 0.22 of the NeoGeo emu.
My question is, are there newer versions out there? If not, how do I run these things? They come in folders 1.0 and 1.5, Im assuming for the kernel. So I go to the 1.5 folder (Im using 1.5 kernel) and theres two folders in there, cps2psp and cps2psp%. Ive treid copying both folders to PSP/GAME, or PSP/GAME150, and either way I get an error (80020148) game failed to load.
So, what am I doing wrong? I havent even tried messing with roms yet either, since I can't even get the program to start.
I found those emu's and in the read me's it says you need to put the bios in the rom folder. Have you found the correct bios and put it in there with a rom to test?
No, I haven't tried that yet. I know Neo Geo has a bios, but I dont think CPS2 does. Although, the readme files Ive gotten have been in japanese or something, so if you could send me a link to some english ones or something, I'd appreciate it. Hell, maybe theres something simple in the readme that I just havent done yet.
After much work, I got the emulators working. And then a half hour later, stumbled across the latest versions of them, which dont need eLoader or anything. The Neo Geo emu works fantastically well, with perfect speed and everything. Im hoping the SNES emulators can get that good. The CPS2 doesnt like my roms for some reason, but I will try others and see what happens.