because i tried all the guides in here AND in youtube to try to play my WWE smackdown vs Raw 2008 CSO file on my psp and it doesnt work... I have 3.90 m33-2 and when I put the cso in the ISO folder in the root of my mem stick it doesnt even appear in my psp->game menu. any help? please.
CSO's should run from the ISO folder. It may be that you have a fake Memory stick, or just a bad rip.
To check your Memory stick, go to VIDEO->Memory card on the XMB, then press triangle, then information. If Magic gate is supported, the card should be real, if not, then chances are its fake.
You could also try decompressing the CSO back to an ISO to see if that works, or getting another rip of the game.
its a real stick, sandisk 4b.. i guess i will try to download some other cso's... they are so annoying to download cause they break up the files into 10 pieces and you can only download 1 at a time if youre not a member of the service >.< takes forever
I've had this problem a couple times with a grand theft auto CSO. for some reason the guy who ripped and uploaded it did not properly convert it to ISO/CSO. so basically even though the file extension said it was an ISO, it still wouldn't show up. Anyways he left his email so I told him what happened and he tried it as well. Turns out it didnt work for him either. so its probably the same thing happening with you. Just download a different copy of the game.