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Putting Time Machine by Dark Alex on the Slim?
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21. April 2008 @ 16:31 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hey. Yet another question by me. I want to know all the information before i make a purchase. So my friend(who ive been mentioning in other threads) is saying that he wouldnt be able to put Time Machine on a PSP slim battery if i get a slim. He has a fat PSP. He says that you cant modify slim batteries to put Time Machine on because the slim battery wont fit into his psp correctly. Does anyone know how we could accomplish this because he has a fat psp and i may be getting a slim(if i cant find a NEW fat one. Which I cant.). I also dont want to buy a fat psp battery for like $50 to make it work for the slim psp either. So please HELP. Explain everything to try to make this work please.
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21. April 2008 @ 16:58 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
TimeMachine is MADE for the Slim. You CAN make the Slim battery into a Pandora battery. I have both a fat and Slim PSP, and TimeMachine runs perfect on both machines, and all 3 batteries I own (2 fat batteries, 1 slim battery) hold the Pandora EEPROM with nothing wrong. Download this file and run it on any PSP once you get one to change the PSP fat or slim battery into a Pandora battery, making TimeMachine possible.
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27. April 2008 @ 16:55 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
There is also a method of turning a slim battery into a pandora battery without the use of software, i had the same problem with mine.
do a search on youtube and there is a couple of videos that show how to do it. you will need a extra battery to do it though. the process requires you to open your battery and modify a small piece of circutry. very easy to do.

be quick or be dead > forums > consoles > sony psp - homebrew software > putting time machine by dark alex on the slim?

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