Well, id like to start off saying that i have used search, and checked out the stickies in each PSP section. I just had a couple of questions,
I was reading about custom firmware, and was just wondering does the custom firmware do different things, in other words like an softmodded xbox do you have to have the Custom firmware ( In an xbox being the softmod ) to boot homebrew apps such as Emu's? and what's the biggest MS you can put in a PSP and can it be one of those SandiskSD cards and not the exspensive Sony MS's.
And im trying to decide what system to buy PSP,Wii, or an Xbox 360 what do you think? I had a bunch more questions but i can't remember them if i remember anymore i'll edit my post thanks.
a custom firmware can do a lot different things. Yes it can run emulators and homebrew. You can put any memory size memory stick into the slot and it doesn't have to be a Sony memory stick, any memory stick pro/duo would work(I'm using a Sandisk 4 gb). hope this answered your questions.