As the title says, all of a sudden my psp won't recognize pictures or music files. I'm not sure why this is. I have a fat PSP running 3.90 M33-2 cfw, with popsloader, cwcheat, and fatsmod. I just installed CXMB 3.1 and the Halo3 P360 theme, and that's when I noticed the problem. It's on both my memory cards, a Sony 2GB and a Sandisk 4GB, neither of them will regocnize any picture or song file I put on them.
Anyone heard of something like this before? I couldn't find anything searching for it.
Originally posted by Kimpeck: As the title says, all of a sudden my psp won't recognize pictures or music files. I'm not sure why this is. I have a fat PSP running 3.90 M33-2 cfw, with popsloader, cwcheat, and fatsmod. I just installed CXMB 3.1 and the Halo3 P360 theme, and that's when I noticed the problem. It's on both my memory cards, a Sony 2GB and a Sandisk 4GB, neither of them will regocnize any picture or song file I put on them.
Anyone heard of something like this before? I couldn't find anything searching for it.
hi is the sony card fake? the sandisk not too sure. if u format the card will they see anything?
i can understand it if it was a flash0 theme but cxmb im not too sure on have you tryed it with out using cxmb on the offical theme and see if that works if so try a different theme or download the same one from another source.
if you download the same theme for another source it might work be the xbox halo 3 theme was originaly a flash0 theme so it had to be converted to a .ctf file so if the music and picture roc file are misswing or corrupt they wont work when its converted to a ctc file
Thank you both for the replies and suggestions, both memory cards are real, and I tried it with several different themes and the original with no success. Finaly I just used a pandora and reinstalled up to 3.90 m33-3, it works again. No clue what happened. *shrug*