1.Download CXMB for 3.90 off this website 2.Connect your PSP to the computer (USB)
3.From the file you just downloadedgo to CXMB_for_3.90>CXMB_FULL and (website) take seplugins, cxmb and ._seplugins and put them in the root of your Memory Stick
4.Go to recovery* menu and enable the cxmb.prx plugin
1.Download a CTF file off the internet somewhere
2.Connect your PSP to the computer 3.Drag the CTF file you download and put it in X:/PSP/THEME 4.Go to SETTINGS>THEME SETTINGS>THEME then select a theme that you have put on you PSP and press X then press X on apply
5.Your PSP will restart and the theme you chose will be on your PSP
*to get to recovery menu hold R1 when turning on your PSP after it has been fully switched off
That's right, It's worked for me too.
This is the best trick, to keep your PSP out of trouble ot bricking too.!!!
If any one want to download bunch of CTF/ PTF themes then Go Here
Originally posted by Rushyang:That's right, It worked for me too.
This is the best trick, to keep your PSP out of trouble bricking too.!!!
If any one want to download bunch of CTF/ PTF themes then Go Here
Well...I've downloaded cxmb ver 3.2 and extracted the "full" folder into the root of the psp MS. then I've enabled cxmb.prx in the recovery mode menu, and after a reboot I don't see my downloaded themes to choose for, Only the original theme.I've placed them in the PSP/THEME folder.
Please advise.
Thank you
Thank you, but it didn't helped. Someone at psp-hacks.com told me he had same problem and suggested me to upgrade firmware to 4.01. Will try and will let you know.
S#!t....Now my psp is fully bricked, Since it got stuck at 92% of the 4.01 updat :O( Now I'll know that a theme-less PSP is better than a non-working one....