Trying to understand this better
Junior Member
1. May 2008 @ 15:09 |
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OK so about the magic stick after I've made it into one can i use it as a normal memory card afterward? I know I'd have to get a new battery after i turn my old one into a pandora's battery right which means I can't turn it back to normal right?
Senior Member
1. May 2008 @ 15:13 |
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you can just format the memory stick after and then you'll be fine
also how are you going to convert you battery
if you are going to soft mod it then you can convert it back easy just reflash the original eeprom.bin back and it'll work
if you hard moded it you can solder it back if you want to and that should work
Junior Member
1. May 2008 @ 15:16 |
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0_0 wait you mean i don't have to buy a new one?!?!?!?! Could you please explain better and the e-thingie and I will eternally love you....not in a gay way
Senior Member
1. May 2008 @ 15:30 |
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well how are you going to convert the battery to a pandora one
if it is a soft mod i.e you change the eeprom with a program on the psp
so use the same program to flash it back if you forget to back it up upms can flash a random one and it should work fine
or is it the hard mod so you have to cut your battery
i know that the slim battery will be a bit of a devil to solder back but the fat one is prity simple just dab a small bit of solder (you wont need flux) onto the pin you cut BUT MAKE SURE YOU DO NOT CONNECT IT TO ANOTHER PIN other wise your battery will like short and explode lol
Junior Member
1. May 2008 @ 15:36 |
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Nah I'm soft modding it I have problems with my eyesight so no chance of soddering. Ok but what program do I use to do the eeprom thing?
Senior Member
1. May 2008 @ 15:45 |
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well i used noobz pandora battery creator the first pandoras 0_< and that worked fine
upms is good to as if you forget to back it up you can write a random on and it will work fine.
Junior Member
1. May 2008 @ 15:58 |
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oh ok i thought the upms thing was part of the one you used ok so I'm trying to download it having problems but its just it downloads for a sec then stops but i can deal with that just move to a better connection LOL ok so after i get the upms i use it and write my battery and copy the eeproms then how do i change it back is it explained in the UPMS?
Senior Member
1. May 2008 @ 16:39 |
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put the upms.cso into the iso folder and then run it. next go to the pandoras battery and click make random eeprom and see if that works
Junior Member
1. May 2008 @ 17:10 |
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ok thanks I'll do it tonight my laptop is down right now so I'm on my psp.
Junior Member
2. May 2008 @ 03:49 |
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ok now to backup and to play my psp csos do I need anything else or do i just copy them into my games folder and play them?
Senior Member
2. May 2008 @ 04:26 |
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put cso files into the iso folder and they'll work fine but you may need to set the game cpu to 333 if they stutter
Junior Member
2. May 2008 @ 14:30 |
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wait so i finally was able to download the pandora battery thing you said you used and i then had to find my cord......I forgot i left it in my work desk lol but when i go through the steps on that pandora program i get the error code 8002014c and the first and third things are corrupted data. so what do i do?
Senior Member
2. May 2008 @ 15:09 |
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you have the fat psp?
if so you will need the 1.50 kernel addon for your cfw go to dark alexs web site (google it) and download it. put it in game and put the 1.50 update (which you can get here) put it in the root of the memory stick and rename it 150.pbp then run the update.
now you can use pandoras battery creator.
if you are on a slim you cant install the 1.50 kernel so i suggest using upms go to and then go to the forum and then go to lates releases and you cand download it from there. unrar it and put it in the iso folder in the root of your memory stick. make sure you have a umd in or turn no umd on to m33 drivers or the sony one
hope that helps
Junior Member
2. May 2008 @ 15:58 |
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Ok I'm gonna type down what I'm doing and maybe you can spot where I'm screwing it up at.
1) I run the pandora installer program
2) I copied the 150.pbp into the root menu and then the 1.50 Kernal into the game directory should i've put it into the other directory in games iso? Also there are directories called 352m33, kxploitpatcher, kxploitpatcher%, pandora_battery, 150k_installer (i put it in), pandora_battery%.
3) After being done with the steps I try the 1.50 Kernal Addon for 3.90 v2
4) I get the error code 80020148
5) So I try the pandora battery maker get the same thing as before
so where did i screw it up at? by the way i think this goes without saying but I'm on the new official firmware.
Senior Member
2. May 2008 @ 16:29 |
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your on cfw right? just trying to clear this up. got to setting system then system iformation to find out. it should be like 3.71m33
if so use the upms that you used to install cfw to revert the battery back to a normal one it a lot easier to do it this way. the noob one was just another option realy
Junior Member
2. May 2008 @ 18:38 |
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no I'm on the official 3.93
Junior Member
2. May 2008 @ 19:18 |
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Should I just try to sodder the stuff?
Junior Member
2. May 2008 @ 21:42 |
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or should I buy a premade one on amazon cause 40 bucks gets a premade one and a 1 gig magic card
3. May 2008 @ 02:44 |
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Codejunkies sell them for $27 without the memory card, if you already have one it may be a cheaper alternative. I personally bought a Datel battery, saved me the hassle of making one and in the end I have a spare battery.
3. May 2008 @ 06:35 |
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My recomendation would be, if you have a friend who already has a psp on a cfw, borrow their psp to make the battery. I've made a pandora's battery 3 times now, it doesn't take very long so you won't be inconveniencing them too much, especially if you're using your own battery and memory stick anyway.
Though, if they're on 3.90 M33-3 the method described in alot of the guides I've read won't work (As I discovered myself last night) But this one will... Not sure why the method I used the two previous times didn't work, but *shrug*
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