Looking for a program that will let me dump my UMD game into ISO form if you could provide a link that would be great. I tried this fastloader but it just showed as corrupted data on my psp.
Originally posted by koolyoe: Looking for a program that will let me dump my UMD game into ISO form if you could provide a link that would be great. I tried this fastloader but it just showed as corrupted data on my psp.
There is a built in UMD Ripper on the M33 firmwares. You will have M33 VSH menu built in assuming you are running CFW 3.52 m33 or above. Press the select button at the XMB, and vsh menu will pop up. Move to USB Device and use the right button to change this to UMD DISC.Move to EXIT and press X, and the VSH menu will close. Use the USB connection to connect your PSP to a PC. In the folder that opens on the PC you will see the .ISO image of the game. Copy and paste the iso to your computer. When done, disconnect from computer. Reopen the M33 VSH menu, change UMD DISC back to MEMORY STICK. Exit the VSH MENU. Now just rename the iso you copied and put it into the ISO folder on your memory stick like you would any other ISO, and your done.
Have a look for the PSPISO Compressor by danny_kay1710. im at work at the minute so cant get you a link, but will post one later if you cannot find it. have a search on google for that program and im sure it should come up.
When compressing them, choose the iso-->cso option, and choose the highest level of compression. You should easily get the file below 1gb.
EDIT: Try THIS link. I think that is where i got the program from...i cant check it though as the site is blocked at work.
EDIT 2:Fixed link...that is where i downloaded the iso compressor :)
If you have custom firmware (which you will need to do any of this anyway), just format your MS through the system settings (be sure to back it up first), then the ISO folder should be in the root of your memory stick.