24/96 Wave file and burn it to anything for playback
7. May 2008 @ 00:20 |
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I downloaded the latest NIN album that is free for dl in it's format of 24bit/96khz wave. I also converted them to regular wavs and burned them to a regular CD.. however.. I have been challenged by this and am looking to overcome the problem at hand. Perhaps you folks could help.
I own a very nice multi format marantz DVD player (dv9600), PS3, and a NAD Pre-amp/processor that can accept up to 24bit/ 192 multichannel.
So, I presume there is some way i can burn a DVD disc with these tracks AND retain them in a 24/96 format.
I own Nero 8 ultra currently
I attempted straight burning them to DVD which my marantz would reconize it was a dvd, but wouldn't start playing at all. My PS3 actually listed the names of the tracks but then stated it didn't support the format.
Thanks in advance for any help.
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 7. May 2008 @ 00:47
7. May 2008 @ 17:27 |
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Originally posted by NGL_BrSH: I downloaded the latest NIN album that is free for dl in it's format of 24bit/96khz wave. I also converted them to regular wavs and burned them to a regular CD.. however.. I have been challenged by this and am looking to overcome the problem at hand. Perhaps you folks could help.
I own a very nice multi format marantz DVD player (dv9600), PS3, and a NAD Pre-amp/processor that can accept up to 24bit/ 192 multichannel.
So, I presume there is some way i can burn a DVD disc with these tracks AND retain them in a 24/96 format.
I own Nero 8 ultra currently
I attempted straight burning them to DVD which my marantz would reconize it was a dvd, but wouldn't start playing at all. My PS3 actually listed the names of the tracks but then stated it didn't support the format.
Thanks in advance for any help.
CD uses 44.1kHZ sampling frequency and you are trying to play 96kHZ file.
You cannot use wav files to play in DVD-Video as it uses 48kHZ.
The best and the only way to do this is to burn them in DVD-Audio format with MLP encoding will retain both the high resolution and the sampling frequency.
There is a limitation in data transfer for the DVD's. DVD can transfer upto 9.2Mbps. Data transfer at 24bit/96kHz will be 13.8Mbps which is a problem.
Meridian's MLP has a solution by compressing the data without loosing it and thus you have a high resolution audio in MLP format.
MLP not only reduces the file size but also the peak data transfer rate.
There are lot of DVD-Audio authoring softwares available like
- Cirlinca's DVD-Audio Solo
- Sonic's DVD-Audio Creator and
- Minnetonka's discWelder: bronze/steel/chrome (bronze being the cheapest at $99 or so)
Cirlinca will not help your purpose as it does not support MLP files.
Sonic's DVD-Audio Creator and Minnetonka's discWelder takes MLP input files.
Senior Member
8. May 2008 @ 06:12 |
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For Stereo 24/96, MLP encoding is not required.
Neither is DVD-Audio. You can - depending on your particular player & authoring application - put 24/96 stereo to DVD-Video as LPCM.
I would recommend either
Cirlinca DVD-Audio Solo - www.cirlinca.com - as this will do what you need.
Or Minnetonka's DiscWelder Bronze.
If you prefer to go the DVD-Video route then Media Chance Labs DVD-Lab Pro will get you where you need to be. I would certainly investigate the Cirlinca application though - no custom menus, but it does the job.
8. May 2008 @ 10:47 |
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Well last night i tried burning it to DVD-A with discwelder and it worked.. kinda.
i could hear the songs... but they kept skipping around. Like the DVD player was having trouble reading it. I then tried to burn it slower with verification etc and got the same result.
any tips?
Junior Member
8. May 2008 @ 13:46 |
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I think the obvious question is -does your DVD Player play DVD Audio discs? if not then I'm surprised you got any result..the other answer is to eat humble pie and play it back on your PC with Power DVD .6/7 that supports DVD Audio and also WinDVD V7 which also supports DVD Audio..or a player that supports mlp files..power claims is does but then complains its not a DVD Audio disc....creative media have a player that come with the audigy 2 zs card that plays mlp files...I guess if your standalone dont play DVD Audio then its back to the PC with your 5.1 speakers...
8. May 2008 @ 15:46 |
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oh it most definitely plays DVD-A. I sell them at where I work. It's a Marantz DV9600 and it shows DVD-A on the front of the display when it's playing the disc, shows 96k but the audio breaks up. Probably media or burner related. however i give up.
Junior Member
8. May 2008 @ 17:38 |
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giving up is never an option in my book...i love challenges....I'll think it through......which discwelder were you usin chrome 2 i guess as bronze doesnt to 92/24 im not a huge fan of it vut i use to when ive converted my sacd audios to dvd audio..and that is time consuming. mghte be disc..burner..gear pro burns dvd audio burning -its slow but its one the list of formats
Junior Member
8. May 2008 @ 17:44 |
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actually im talking rubbish as chrome 2 had its own burning tool -or is it borrowing what ever you have installed...hmmmm
8. May 2008 @ 18:17 |
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well i didn't want to admit but i dl'd chrome II to try it out and thats what i used...
keep teh ideas coming.. i'll alot 4 more coasters.. than I give up.
Junior Member
8. May 2008 @ 21:57 |
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Ok dont throw in the towel...i never do...what usually happend is that when it goes on hold 6 months -even a year up comes a solution.. someone somewhere he seen the problem and writes a line of code just to fix that one proggy...ive seen stuff like that done..ok...
when in doubt -go back to the scene of the crime: First Question the source file - you downloaded it yes? bit torrent ? is it all there? you said its skips..like plays a bit.ten silent then a bit then silent -like gaps maybe..if s then maybe its not there..that the thing with torrents -windows says you have a 1.2gb file but you only have about 2mb of it..its has to 'fill up' to be complete...
if you have the whole file..can you play it on PC? using VLC or power dvd -wind dvd -wmplayer ideally should..audio editors like audition would read into separate it into monos...
erm disc clean? no scratches?...i'll look at other dvd audio authors.(really ought to be more of them)
8. May 2008 @ 22:26 |
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firstly thanks again for your help bobchew :D
K well I dug my older Yamaha DVD-S1500 dvd player out of the attic.. does everything the marantz does but it doens't have HDMI and i prefer the audio quality of the marantz.. but apparently the Yamaha has a bit better tolerance for burned DVD's because it plays the DVD-A just fine! BLAH! So back in the stack it goes and it looks like have a dedicated dvd-a machine now. (or until i can figure out how to burn dvd-a's that work better on my marantz)
silly to think my msrp $500, 4 year old Yamaha functions better than my 1 year old, msrp $2000 Marantz.
So, heres another question is how come chrome only lets me burn dvd-r's as slow as 6x.. i want slower for better compatiblity.
Junior Member
8. May 2008 @ 23:40 |
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maybe the answer was in the question -drive speed-..the bugbear with chrome 2 is 2 things..1 why no preview mode..? this is based on two basic ideas...(1)most dvd video authors let you preview stuff-to see that the menu system works..so why not dvd audio?
(2) any half way decent audio editor will preview in surround.not being a coder myself but i think it must be possible to 'tap dance and chew gum' at the same time..
other bugbear most authors will let you write to the hard drive the directory eg: foldername/dvd audio directory *.AOB files
before you commit it all to a blank disc..so why not chrome 2..
if it screws up ..then another blank disc down the drain.the thing with this is once you create a master..then using a decent copier..whereby changing copy speed might make a difference..
9. May 2008 @ 00:32 |
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i tried dvd solo and it only let me burn as slow as 6x as well.. it skipped "less" in my marantz yet still skipped too much to ignore.
I will continue searching for a good authoring app. Perhaps there is a nero plugin that is hiding out there somewhere for dvd-a.
p.s. I would like to say the 24/96 NIN free album "the slip" they released sounds fantastic in the DVD-A glory. I had a CD quality version and then played the DVD-A and it really is a noticeble difference. So much more definition. :D
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 9. May 2008 @ 00:33
Senior Member
9. May 2008 @ 04:10 |
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There are *no* DVD-A authoring tools with any sort of preview mode.
Because it is simply not possible to mux & create the ASV and the ASVU files "On The Fly" as it were. So forget that.
Also - if you have downloaded a version of Chrome to try it out, you have an illegal hack done by Paradox of a build that is so buggy it was never actually released officially. 2.0.6 or 2.0.7
The only demo versions will not actually let you burn, so no sympathy there. Don't use hacked software - it is not cool.
9. May 2008 @ 09:23 |
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Don't lecture me on property rights and morals. I buy what works and i rarely buy stuff before using it's full features.
Good thing i didn't buy chrome for $2995 since it doesn't work for my application.
I will probably buy Solo since it's a more attractive price and It worked better for me.
Junior Member
9. May 2008 @ 11:45 |
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and there i was thinking I was having a private conversation..and guess who shows up.....'the voice of god'...do you hate me? did i frighten your dog in a previous life? ah well...must be other sites i can go to..
Junior Member
9. May 2008 @ 12:04 |
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do you know every time i hear the words 'it cant be done' theres always someone who proves them wrong....i remember my old atari -'it cant be done' was the catchphrase...and i knew a clever programmer whoi said 'oh yes it can' and proved it..
i simply took the 'theory' form two simple premises..(1) i use a good dvd video authoring pkg..it previews quite well -menu navigation works as you set it up' also the audio editor plays back in 5.1 once you;ev laid out the channel order..of course neither of these are multiplexing 'on the fly' how they do it - god alone knows..but they seem to able to simulate the effect.so, logically (he said) putting the two examples together..i cant see how wrong it would to pose such a question....now then I'm off down the pub...are you going to get the first round in or should I?
Suspended permanently
9. May 2008 @ 16:21 |
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Bobchew, I guess you don't give up - you're back!
Junior Member
10. May 2008 @ 02:30 |
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you know that sounds like me - just as i reached a point of leaving it all....i saw this post - and it reminded me of myself struggling with something ages ago and remembering thinking -if only someone had the answer...except in my case I dont presume to know anything...its just stuff I find out - by experimentation, thats why my hard drives are full of 'experiments' its called what does it do? how does it do it? which lend leads to the obvious -if so does it mean etc etc..I don't lecture anyone..my ethic has always be that often the best tools are never in the hands of people who can most benefit their use..mostly due to certain companies over the top pricing...in this case Dolby Labs..who from what I hear from the audio industry have them by the short and curlies...so, to me it stands to reason that its about time that people should have a wider choice of formats..wma pro, ogg, flac which are pretty much freeware..but why arent these formats adopted by main stream? because of pressure by Dolby Labs..so when it comes to programs that do clever stuff..we are held at gunpoint by people like Dolby to name but a more than a few...oh well I better scarper as 'god' will show up..and give me a roasting.....byeeeeeee..
Junior Member
10. May 2008 @ 02:33 |
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btw whats NIN album?
30. May 2008 @ 09:48 |
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Originally posted by bobchew: btw whats NIN album?
"Nine Inch Nails" ;-)
30. May 2008 @ 09:54 |
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Originally posted by bobchew: btw whats NIN album?
"Nine Inch Nails" ;-)
btw, I had this "Demo" too, it was a hard work .....
Cirlinca´s Solo is much easier, for a normal customer like me.
But there´s no way to make menues (at this time).
Junior Member
5. June 2008 @ 06:58 |
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Aha 'nine inch nails' thats one of the new 'pop' groups is it? sorry but it all went blank after 1973 for me...'chicory tip' still going? osmonds have a new record out perhaps? whats this stuff about being able to record tv programs onto some sort of tape cassette thing? its amazing what they can do these days...my cirlinca timed out so didnt get to play with it so as far as menues are concerned..mm dont know...what 'demo' btw....??? ok m' lad i replied to your sacd to dvd audio question if you want to go take a look...theres a lot of it so you have be warned..and its all manual....