iv'e just downloaded a game (Atelier Iris 3 Grand Phantasm)and i need to burn the files onto dvd so i can play it on ps2. The files are NOT in zip files or in .iso, it just has the game files(40 unknown files, 1 sfv and 1 MSInfo Document)
i thought you just convert it all to .iso and i tried that using UMDGen. then i used imageburn to burn the .iso image onto dvd and it didnt work.
i did this before and i remember i just needed burn the compiled .iso and burn it with nero (now i cant burn .iso onto dvd with nero either for some reason - something to do with needing a ML disk)
so why isnt it working?
id like some help with this. thanks.
Your ps2 needs to be modded in someway in order to play backups (burnt games). The files you have are in .rar format and need to be unrared using winrar/7-zip.
All hope is not lost. Please open up the .NFO file and read what the instructions are.
Your files are in a unique file structure, .001, .002, .003....doesn't this make you to believe it is in some kind of archived format? I wonder if you have to use a joiner program to combine all the files into one .ISO?
i opened the .nfo file and i can tell u now that there is absolutely NO instructions. only random notes from the user.
im just wondering but when i join the files together to make it into an .iso do i need the .nfo or .sfv? can i join them without it, burn it and see if it works?
also i heard there are games where u need to burn the files in a pacific order, so in this case, is that neccesary?