I've a fat ps2 with a modbo chip installed, and I've succesfully backed up a number of my games, but recently some games stop loading at some points, like when entering a new area in FFXII or roaming the city in GTA: LCS. The ps2 can play the originals without hassle, as well as ps1 games and dvd movies. I was wandering is there any solution to this?
I'm using DVD-Rs, using ripped ps2 isos at 4x burn speed.
My ps2 is a launch ps2, I don't need to worry about warranty.
It also does look pretty dusty inside but I don't know if dust is the problem, since it can reproduce almost everything just fine, except for some backups like I mentioned earlier
Mostly LGDVD-Rs, the backups that don't work are only a few, some quite aged, some new. They all load perfectly but at one point of the game, they stop loading