Originally posted by NatexCore: I just recently downgraded my PSP Slim to v3.71 m33-2.
I have the ISO folder on my memory root, and i am able to play CSO files on there but when i download ISO files i get 'PSP_GAME' and 'UMD_DATA.BIN'
And these are the files that i don't know how to play on my PSP.
Any help would be great!!
AFAIK, you need to rebuild the iso using a program called UMDGEN. However i cannot guide you on how to do it, as i only play my own legal backups (ie ones i have created from games i actually own).
search google for UMDGEN and you should find a guide.
im workin on a guide rite now. not done yet. But i did finish that part. Here is my draft of my guide says.
How to Rebuild an ISO 1. Open up UMDGEN and click the New button
2. Put the PSP_GAME folder and the bin. Go to the big blank space and click the right mouse button. Then go to add and ?Existing Folder? and then ?Existing File?. Title is optional.
3. After that is done. Click the Save button to either ISO,CSO, or DAX.
I have a pic with my draft. Plz give feedback on this unless its too hard. Then i will rephrase it.