3.90 M33-3 Breath of Fire IV...
Junior Member
23. May 2008 @ 04:37 |
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I've read almost all threads on this downloaded, the popsloader, and enabled the plugin, and click 3.30 and 3.40 and it still doesn't work. I'm lost...of what to do now...I got 3.90 m33-3.
Senior Member
23. May 2008 @ 04:49 |
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Originally posted by psp_guru: I've read almost all threads on this downloaded, the popsloader, and enabled the plugin, and click 3.30 and 3.40 and it still doesn't work. I'm lost...of what to do now...I got 3.90 m33-3.
So you've installed POPSLOADER already? Which pops files have you tried already? i'd recommend trying 3.71, 3.52 or 3.80, as they are generally the best for PSX emulation.
hope that helps.
EDIT: Just seen THIS thread about BoF, have a read if you haven't already. It recommends using POPS files BELOW 3.30, so try a POPS file between 3.00 and 3.30.
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 23. May 2008 @ 04:55
Junior Member
23. May 2008 @ 11:19 |
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Yeah, that where I got the link to download the 3XX popsloader, sadly I tried so far 3.11, 3.30, 3.40, and 3.51...still just freezes the pops selecting screen, then shuts down...and then I have to redo everything...and load it back in and enable...xD
Junior Member
24. May 2008 @ 15:58 |
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I've tried all of the popsloader...and it's not working...3.00 to 3.11 it tells Game could not start Error 80000004 and then 3.30 to 3.72 it just freezes for a little bit, and then shuts my psp down, or sometimes just freezes...what can I do to make it work? XD
Senior Member
26. May 2008 @ 10:14 |
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OK, i have never actually played BoF, so i cant do a test conversion to see if it works. I have done a bit of research for you, and the only possible fix i can find is by changing the game code when your making the eboot. Try the code SLPS-02728.
Give that a try, if it doesn't work i'll try and find some more options for you.
26. May 2008 @ 11:34 |
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do other psx version games work? in other games can you change your pops version? if not it could be bad pops files (or probaly not in the right place/not all the files are in there)
Junior Member
26. May 2008 @ 15:24 |
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Yeah plenty other work, just not Breath of Fire IV...really weird, and I use the same pops for the rest, but BOF...just wont work dun know why
Junior Member
26. May 2008 @ 15:54 |
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this is sooo weird...it like plays after the white screen after the capcom but its white and I hear the music and the video taking place xD
Edit: Tried that changing of codes too...I guess it went a little better, now that I can hear music haha...still cant see anything though
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 26. May 2008 @ 16:15
26. May 2008 @ 16:15 |
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on a diff game try loading a diff version off pops br holding r when clicking on the game and tell me if it freezes or not
Junior Member
26. May 2008 @ 16:18 |
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Originally posted by Eric777: on a diff game try loading a diff version off pops br holding r when clicking on the game and tell me if it freezes or not
Some reason no matter what PSX game I do Original from Flash it works, and on Breath of Fire IV, when I do that it just allows my screen to go white and I hear the music go and about hearing japanese stuff
Edit: But yeah when I do a random pop, it freezes too...Actually all pops besides Original from Flash freezes my PSP for Breath of Fire IV. Other games, well I randomly click 3.30 and it froze too...weird -.-
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 26. May 2008 @ 16:27
Senior Member
26. May 2008 @ 19:52 |
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How did you install POPSLOADER, and where did you get the POPS files from? It may be that you have the wrong files, or they may be corrupt etc. Try reinstalling POPSLOADER using the guide in the stickies, that may fix it.
Junior Member
27. May 2008 @ 01:19 |
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Originally posted by ibizagti: How did you install POPSLOADER, and where did you get the POPS files from? It may be that you have the wrong files, or they may be corrupt etc. Try reinstalling POPSLOADER using the guide in the stickies, that may fix it.
That one at the very top, the one you said if I haven't seen it, the 3XX popsloader, I just downloaded that one, and then I took the Seplugins and moved it to the root of my PSP...thats it and went to the start menu thingy where you hold R...xD forgot what its called enabled it, and then I went to the game and clicked on all of them 3.00, 3.01, 3.02, 3.03, 3.10, 3.11, 3.30, 3.40, 3.51, 3.52, 3.71, 3.72 and Original from Flash. Some reason all of them freeze now except the Original from Flash, it comes but leaves the screen white with music playing in the background. Anything that I'm doing wrong?
Edit: Stickes?...reinstall?...how? don't you just move to the root of your PSP?
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 27. May 2008 @ 01:20
Senior Member
27. May 2008 @ 05:54 |
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with them ALL just freezing at the same point, it may be that the POPS files are corrupt.
Lets start again, delete all the POPSLOADER files from your MS. Now download POPSLOADER from HERE. Extract the file to your desktop, the copy the COMPLETE folder named seplugins to the ROOT of your MS.
Now, download the POPS files from HERE (direct link).
Put these files to the X:\seplugins\popsloader[/b folder on your MS (Where "X" is your PSP drive letter). Make sure they are not inside any other folder within the POPSLOADER folder, ie the path should be
[b]X:\seplugins\popsloader\popsman352.prx etc.
Next, go to recovery mode:
Originally posted by acidy:
To access recovery mode follow the following steps :-
1. Completely shut down your PSP (Not stand-by)
2. Hold the "R" button (i.e right trigger) while starting your PSP ^_^
3. You are now on recovery mode
go to plugins, and press the X button on the POPSLOADER.PRX [POPS] option. it should now say enabled next to it.
Press back, and then exit on the main menu. your PSP will now reboot to the XMB.
Go to start your BoF game, and it should automatically ask you which POPS you want to start the game with. Select 3.40, and press X. the game should now start.
All of that info was taken from the guide by acidy, i am not taking any credit for it.
give that a try, and hopefully your problems should be solved.
let me know how you get on with it :)
Junior Member
27. May 2008 @ 10:23 |
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Originally posted by ibizagti: with them ALL just freezing at the same point, it may be that the POPS files are corrupt.
Lets start again, delete all the POPSLOADER files from your MS. Now download POPSLOADER from HERE. Extract the file to your desktop, the copy the COMPLETE folder named seplugins to the ROOT of your MS.
Now, download the POPS files from HERE (direct link).
Put these files to the X:\seplugins\popsloader[/b folder on your MS (Where "X" is your PSP drive letter). Make sure they are not inside any other folder within the POPSLOADER folder, ie the path should be
[b]X:\seplugins\popsloader\popsman352.prx etc.
Next, go to recovery mode:
Originally posted by acidy:
To access recovery mode follow the following steps :-
1. Completely shut down your PSP (Not stand-by)
2. Hold the "R" button (i.e right trigger) while starting your PSP ^_^
3. You are now on recovery mode
go to plugins, and press the X button on the POPSLOADER.PRX [POPS] option. it should now say enabled next to it.
Press back, and then exit on the main menu. your PSP will now reboot to the XMB.
Go to start your BoF game, and it should automatically ask you which POPS you want to start the game with. Select 3.40, and press X. the game should now start.
All of that info was taken from the guide by acidy, i am not taking any credit for it.
give that a try, and hopefully your problems should be solved.
let me know how you get on with it :)
and I went to recovery, downloaded that one up there...enabled it, clicked 3.40 and it froze...I really don't see whats wrong...is it 3.90 M33-5? that I have as a firmware...
27. May 2008 @ 14:53 |
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ok yea the problem is with popsloader once you get popsloader working try a diff version i recommend trying one under 3.30 like the other guy said for that game original from flash means your useing 3.80 pops on 3.90 i think
EDIT: did you just say 3.90 m33-5 im hopeing you mean -3 lol?
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 27. May 2008 @ 14:56
Junior Member
28. May 2008 @ 00:30 |
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Originally posted by Eric777: ok yea the problem is with popsloader once you get popsloader working try a diff version i recommend trying one under 3.30 like the other guy said for that game original from flash means your useing 3.80 pops on 3.90 i think
EDIT: did you just say 3.90 m33-5 im hopeing you mean -3 lol?
Yeah meant 3 sorry haha, hmmm but I tried all of them...that let me, if you read above...nothing, wondering whats wrong...I might downgrade and upgrade brand new, maybe a certain system file maybe destroyed...
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 28. May 2008 @ 00:31
28. May 2008 @ 00:52 |
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thatshouldenthave anything to do with it i had this prob but in the readme it tells you it should be sumthing like this setup seplugins> (in here) pops text document popsloader.prx popsloader file > idcanger_old.prx pops (text ducument) popsloader.prx popsloader file> OH HERES AN IMPORTANT PART in the list with all the pops files there needa to be a copy of the idcanger_old.prx or it will freeze when picking a diff pops i had to do this its in the readme
Junior Member
28. May 2008 @ 01:06 |
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Originally posted by Eric777: thatshouldenthave anything to do with it i had this prob but in the readme it tells you it should be sumthing like this setup seplugins> (in here) pops text document popsloader.prx popsloader file > idcanger_old.prx pops (text ducument) popsloader.prx popsloader file> OH HERES AN IMPORTANT PART in the list with all the pops files there needa to be a copy of the idcanger_old.prx or it will freeze when picking a diff pops i had to do this its in the readme
Just tried that, nothing...T-T...same thing, I'm going to video tape me doing it and see if it works...or telling me if I'm doing something wrong here...
Okay here it is:
G:\seplugins >
-pops (readme file)
-popsloader >
That's right...right?
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 28. May 2008 @ 01:10
Junior Member
28. May 2008 @ 01:54 |
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Haha, thats what I call lazy!!!...I took everything acidy gave me and everything, but once!!! I dumprar by myself it worked...-sigh-...from now on if I can do it myself, I will lol thnxs all :D appreciate it for taking your time with me.
Would like to add, if you can tell me most of the PSX games which pops they load one, the popular ones, bof, ff, etc...so I can dump them and try them out :D APPRECIATE IT BEYOND IMAGINATION :D!!! -hugz and kisses- for all :D
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 28. May 2008 @ 02:16
Senior Member
28. May 2008 @ 02:16 |
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So your problem is now fixed?
Did you just follow the guide i linked you to earlier?
Junior Member
28. May 2008 @ 02:29 |
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Originally posted by ibizagti: So your problem is now fixed?
Did you just follow the guide i linked you to earlier?
Yeah :D thnxs, I did the Dumprar myself, and it worked with 3.40 :D lol, the other 3.40 files must have been corrupted or something, appreciate it ^_^ ALOT.
28. May 2008 @ 12:12 |
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um dont really get what your saying but glad you fixed your problem but seeing your files seems like you only had the newest version of popsloader you can find files that have all older versions in it thats prob why it was freezeing but gl hope your game works well now
Junior Member
28. May 2008 @ 21:35 |
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Originally posted by Eric777: um dont really get what your saying but glad you fixed your problem but seeing your files seems like you only had the newest version of popsloader you can find files that have all older versions in it thats prob why it was freezeing but gl hope your game works well now
psar dumper, I used that and made my own popsloader 3.40 :D and it worked, downloading the 3.40 by myself, some how didn't work for me, but me doing it my own worked :D