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another IRshell question...
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24. May 2008 @ 21:42 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Is there any known IRshell to date that is compatible with custom firmware 3.90 M33-2? PLEASE respond!! i want to use my psp as a TV remote :P (besides like my last thread, i did the wrong one and bricked my psp.)

my psp fat firmware history
1.50>>2.00>>2.50>>2.60>>2.70>>2.71>>2.80>>2.81>>2.82>>3.00>>3.11>>3.30>>3.40>>3.52>>3.71>>3.80>>CFW 3.71 M33>>CFW 3.71 M33-3>>CFW 3.90 M33-2>>CFW 3.90 M33-3

go to this link to learn how to do something amazing on a psp!!
25. May 2008 @ 00:47 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
im not 100% if it will work with 3.90 m33-2 but i use one that will work with 3.90 m33-3. you could try that one but im not sur eit would work. im also not sure what you mean by install. irshell doesnt nned to be installed you just activate the plugin. there shouldnt be any risk of a brick. i could be wrong but im fairly sure.

My PSP : TA-081 Running 3.90 M33-3 Without 1.5 Kernel (I Use Timemachine)
My Memory Sticks : 2 Gigabyte Sony, 512 Megabyte SanDisk, 32 Megabyte Sony
My Plugins : CWCheat 0.2.2 REV.B, Music.prx Plugin, Popsloader
25. May 2008 @ 07:42 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
could u get me a link for it?

my psp fat firmware history
1.50>>2.00>>2.50>>2.60>>2.70>>2.71>>2.80>>2.81>>2.82>>3.00>>3.11>>3.30>>3.40>>3.52>>3.71>>3.80>>CFW 3.71 M33>>CFW 3.71 M33-3>>CFW 3.90 M33-2>>CFW 3.90 M33-3

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25. May 2008 @ 08:00 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I haven't gotten IRShell to work on 3.90m33, 3.90m33-2, 3.90m33-3. Works great on 3.80m33-5, but alas I like TimeMachine too much to go back.

I've found this plugin that lets you play music during gameplay without IRShell.

However I haven't tried it yet, so if it somehow bricks your slim don't come looking for me. Sadly this isn't the only great feature of IRShell that we're missing out on.

I guess I should tell you that there is a patch that supposedly makes IRShell more compatible with 3.90m33-3. It's on the official website. However I couldn't get it to do anything. I'm able to get IRShell to start up, but trying to load any emulators or games is impossible. Can't load the customization menu, or do anything really. I'd imagine these are some of the problems you're facing.

25. May 2008 @ 08:20 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
i installed it and couldnt even start up my psp. thank goodness i could still get into recovery mode to reboot my PSP, which somehow got rid of the brick. :)

my psp fat firmware history
1.50>>2.00>>2.50>>2.60>>2.70>>2.71>>2.80>>2.81>>2.82>>3.00>>3.11>>3.30>>3.40>>3.52>>3.71>>3.80>>CFW 3.71 M33>>CFW 3.71 M33-3>>CFW 3.90 M33-2>>CFW 3.90 M33-3

go to this link to learn how to do something amazing on a psp!!
25. May 2008 @ 20:57 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
moved to homebrew forum

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26. May 2008 @ 01:05 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I have phat psp with 3.90 M33-3 with 1.5 addon running IRshell 3.9, with the patches. It runs well, haven't tried the remote thing. But I can play games and emu just fine with it. To play emu, I had to switch from the 3.xx kernel to the 1.5 kernel. If not, I get the 800 error when loading the emu.

Lite-On 1653s CSOT
Taiyo Yuden - TYG01, TYG02
28. May 2008 @ 17:39 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
i found some sites on downloading 1.5 kernel, but they all say that i need to install 1.5 official firmware and i dont feel like doing that. is there any way to install it without changing my firmware?

my psp fat firmware history
1.50>>2.00>>2.50>>2.60>>2.70>>2.71>>2.80>>2.81>>2.82>>3.00>>3.11>>3.30>>3.40>>3.52>>3.71>>3.80>>CFW 3.71 M33>>CFW 3.71 M33-3>>CFW 3.90 M33-2>>CFW 3.90 M33-3

go to this link to learn how to do something amazing on a psp!!
29. May 2008 @ 06:52 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I actually found out that I have 1.5 kernel already, its in recovery mode in the configurations settings. but what my problem is though is that as far as I know, the only way to be able to use ur psp as a universal remote,(phat only) you need 1.5 official firmware and i love my new firmware too much to go back. i currently have CWcheat on it, a portal that makes an interactive desktop on vista as ur homepage, IRshell 3.90. My cuurent firmware is CFW 3.90 M33-3. if anyone can help me this would GREATLY be appreciated

my psp fat firmware history
1.50>>2.00>>2.50>>2.60>>2.70>>2.71>>2.80>>2.81>>2.82>>3.00>>3.11>>3.30>>3.40>>3.52>>3.71>>3.80>>CFW 3.71 M33>>CFW 3.71 M33-3>>CFW 3.90 M33-2>>CFW 3.90 M33-3

go to this link to learn how to do something amazing on a psp!!
29. May 2008 @ 06:53 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
oh, and i also have custom XMB themes i doubt this matters though.

my psp fat firmware history
1.50>>2.00>>2.50>>2.60>>2.70>>2.71>>2.80>>2.81>>2.82>>3.00>>3.11>>3.30>>3.40>>3.52>>3.71>>3.80>>CFW 3.71 M33>>CFW 3.71 M33-3>>CFW 3.90 M33-2>>CFW 3.90 M33-3

go to this link to learn how to do something amazing on a psp!!
29. May 2008 @ 13:50 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by hack4life:
I actually found out that I have 1.5 kernel already, its in recovery mode in the configurations settings. but what my problem is though is that as far as I know, the only way to be able to use ur psp as a universal remote,(phat only) you need 1.5 official firmware and i love my new firmware too much to go back. i currently have CWcheat on it, a portal that makes an interactive desktop of vista as ur homepage, and IRshell 3.90. My current firmware is CFW 3.90 M33-3. if anyone can help me this would GREATLY be appreciated
Im asking this next question because i got IRshell 3.9 to work by putting a patch file for it to work, and a 3.71 driver so it doesnt freeze.

thats why im now asking about getting my psp to be used as a universal remote without having to go back to 1.5 official firmware.
so PLEASE help!!!!!

my psp fat firmware history
1.50>>2.00>>2.50>>2.60>>2.70>>2.71>>2.80>>2.81>>2.82>>3.00>>3.11>>3.30>>3.40>>3.52>>3.71>>3.80>>CFW 3.71 M33>>CFW 3.71 M33-3>>CFW 3.90 M33-2>>CFW 3.90 M33-3

go to this link to learn how to do something amazing on a psp!!
29. May 2008 @ 17:49 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
never mind i got it to work. :)

my psp fat firmware history
1.50>>2.00>>2.50>>2.60>>2.70>>2.71>>2.80>>2.81>>2.82>>3.00>>3.11>>3.30>>3.40>>3.52>>3.71>>3.80>>CFW 3.71 M33>>CFW 3.71 M33-3>>CFW 3.90 M33-2>>CFW 3.90 M33-3

go to this link to learn how to do something amazing on a psp!!
29. May 2008 @ 17:58 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Use the edit function instead of all the back to back posts.
No post padding please.

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29. May 2008 @ 18:48 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
whats that? (stupid question...) is it the [ +quote ] thing?

my psp fat firmware history
1.50>>2.00>>2.50>>2.60>>2.70>>2.71>>2.80>>2.81>>2.82>>3.00>>3.11>>3.30>>3.40>>3.52>>3.71>>3.80>>CFW 3.71 M33>>CFW 3.71 M33-3>>CFW 3.90 M33-2>>CFW 3.90 M33-3

go to this link to learn how to do something amazing on a psp!!
29. May 2008 @ 20:58 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
imho hack4life the only stupid question is the one not asked :)

Look to the right of your post and you'll see what looks like a pencil & paper - that's the edit button. Here's a pic:

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30. May 2008 @ 06:42 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

my psp fat firmware history
1.50>>2.00>>2.50>>2.60>>2.70>>2.71>>2.80>>2.81>>2.82>>3.00>>3.11>>3.30>>3.40>>3.52>>3.71>>3.80>>CFW 3.71 M33>>CFW 3.71 M33-3>>CFW 3.90 M33-2>>CFW 3.90 M33-3

go to this link to learn how to do something amazing on a psp!!
30. May 2008 @ 08:45 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

how do u become a member, senior member? i know u hav to do alot of stuff on the site, but what?

and in order to become a moderator do you have to sign up for it or something?

i know off topic...please respond

my psp fat firmware history
1.50>>2.00>>2.50>>2.60>>2.70>>2.71>>2.80>>2.81>>2.82>>3.00>>3.11>>3.30>>3.40>>3.52>>3.71>>3.80>>CFW 3.71 M33>>CFW 3.71 M33-3>>CFW 3.90 M33-2>>CFW 3.90 M33-3

go to this link to learn how to do something amazing on a psp!!

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 30. May 2008 @ 08:46

30. May 2008 @ 18:28 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Remember the edit function hack4life

Here's a link that explains statuses - link.
It's based on post count but remember it's the quality not the quantity that really matters.

That being said the part of being a mod - mod's are picked by other mod's and admins. An idea of what they look for - helpful posts, doesn't break the rules, doesn't get into flame wars, has been a member for awhile and usually has a status of addict. That type of stuff.

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30. May 2008 @ 20:01 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
flame wars? what's that?

my psp fat firmware history
1.50>>2.00>>2.50>>2.60>>2.70>>2.71>>2.80>>2.81>>2.82>>3.00>>3.11>>3.30>>3.40>>3.52>>3.71>>3.80>>CFW 3.71 M33>>CFW 3.71 M33-3>>CFW 3.90 M33-2>>CFW 3.90 M33-3

go to this link to learn how to do something amazing on a psp!!
30. May 2008 @ 20:18 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Last off topic post - flame wars are basically arguements/insults on the internet.

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31. May 2008 @ 08:25 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

my psp fat firmware history
1.50>>2.00>>2.50>>2.60>>2.70>>2.71>>2.80>>2.81>>2.82>>3.00>>3.11>>3.30>>3.40>>3.52>>3.71>>3.80>>CFW 3.71 M33>>CFW 3.71 M33-3>>CFW 3.90 M33-2>>CFW 3.90 M33-3

go to this link to learn how to do something amazing on a psp!!
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1. June 2008 @ 21:48 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hey can someone PLEASE help me, I bought a PSP off craigslist like an hour ago. When I got home i realized the sound didn't work.

Well that sucks. Then i hacked it and made it 3.71 m33-2

And then I turned it off. When I tried to turn it back on...


Its not bricked, cuz the green light does not even come at all. Right now its on sale at Amazon for 60 labeled as a broken PSP.

Can anyone help me fix this?
2. June 2008 @ 20:34 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Wrong thread - this one is about IRshell

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