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How do I "change disc" for the old FF7 on PSP?
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29. May 2008 @ 03:17 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hi guys.

Just got my PSP and was elated to see that FF7's EBOOT file working on my PSP!

Started playing crazily since then but at the same time, a question struck me.

How do I continue on playing once I reached the end of my "disc 1" of FF7 on PSP? In the normal PS we just remove disc 1 and insert disc 2. What about PSP?

Had anyone tried completing the old FF7 on PSP already and knows how to "change disc" for PS1 games on PSP?
29. May 2008 @ 07:41 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
i havent gotten to disc two yet but as far as i know you just drag the disc one eboot out of the game folder and drop the disc two eboot back in. your save game data will be in the save game folder on your mem stick. it wont be affected by changing eboots, however i have heard of people having issues of getting disc two to read your save game. you might have to use a multi-disc loader or something like that im not really sure. > forums > consoles > sony psp - homebrew software > how do i "change disc" for the old ff7 on psp?

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