Hi all and thx for looking into my problem. Im running windows xp and have never had this problem b4. about 3 days ago my pc would freeze up and after restarting would do the same so i ctl+alt+del and brought up the task manager to find that explorer.exe was using almost 100% mem usage i tried to end process not knowing that i needed it rubbing and it just left my wallpaper and had to restart. Im not that great with computers but i know explorer.exe shouldnt be using that much memory can anyone help. it does this with no other apps running as soon as i start my cpu it starts draining mem.
Please download Process Explorer from Sysinternals, and then run it. Under the big column named explorer.exe, please take a screenshot and then post it here. I will show you an example:
Also, please download Autoruns from Sysinternals, navigate to the Explorer tab, and then take a screenshot of everything under that as well. I will show you an example:
As for the last thing, could you boot into safe mode, and then see if you experience the same problem?
im not sure if you can get the pics i tried to upload them but i couldnt so i copied the pics into the browser and pasted them if i did it wrong let me know.
Um... 256boy256, I cannot see your pictures. The reason why is because you have linked to images on your computer, not on the internet. Forums do not have upload image options, therefore you can only upload to a site like http://imageshack.us/ and then link it from here.