Hey guys i am tryin to run snes games on My psp using snes9xtyl Emulator.my psp Is Fat and 3.71m33-2.The problem is when i try to run a rom from my game menu,the emulator runs and shows the rom in its Menu but when i press 0 to run the game.the psp freezes and turns Off.what am i doing wrong here.is it a bad rom or something else.I am king of noobs in the field of homebrew.i Hope You PPl help me Out!!!!Thanks In Advance God Bless
hmm could be a bad rom could also be you have your files in the wrong places try putting the ROM folder on the root of the ms (front page not in a file once u open ms) thats where mine are
Which is older, your psp or the emulator? I've been told that Sony often alters hardware or firmware or something in the PSP so emulators won't work. I suppose the emulators then get modded/updated to work with the changes to the PSP. It's kinda like the copy protection wars (punch, counterpunch and so on).
The problem you're having may be along those lines, I'm not sure. If you know someone with an older psp (like a couple years old) you might want to try the same emulator and roms you're currently running into trouble with and see if they work on the older psp.
I am pretty sure you have a 1.5 kernel version, so first make sure you have installed the appropriate 1.5 kernel add on for your firmware.
Set your kernel to to 1.5 or 3.xx (if you are using a 3.xx version) using the vsh menu (or recovery).
Unlike a previous poster said, putting the rom folder in our root WILL DO NOTHING.
It does not matter what version psp you are using, just use the appropriate emulator. You are using an old psp, both 1.5 and 3.xx kernel versions will work.
This is kind of insignificant, but make sure the rom name is as short as possible. Suuuuuuuuuuper Mariiooooooo.smc is far too long of a title and will cause problems.
If all this fails, your rom is bad....find another one.
Also, make sure that your emulator can run whatever games you're trying to play. I don't think there's a single emulator for the PSP that can emulate the SA-1 or the FX chips at full speed.