Okay, so I've been digging around and mixing together a few guides from around the place in an effort to achieve something I've wanted to do for ages - play ISOs, CSOs and PSX EBOOTs on my PC from my PSP. Why? Well, I think if the PSP Slim can have video out... the PSP Phat shouldn't miss out, even if it hasn't got a hardware video-out port.
The following guide has been produced using a PSP Phat with 3.90 m33-3 on Windows XP SP2. Only attempt this guide on this configuration. I take no responsibility if you brick, semi-brick or otherwise render your PSP inoperable.
Skill level: Moderate.
Please do not attempt unless you are comfortable with working things out yourself occasionally, I don't really want to answer lots of novice questions.
Skills needed:
- Installing Windows XP devices
- plugging in and unplugging usb cables
- Copying / overwriting files to your PSP
- Basic operation of IRShell 3.9
- Entering m33 recovery mode
It contains the following:
> IRShell 3.9 (with the 3.90 m33 patch including for flashing)
> RemoteJOYiRS (RemoteJoy GUI)
> RemoteJOYSDL (to talk to the PSP)
> POPSLoader plugin (with all POPS versions)
> USBHostFS plugin (to talk to your PC)
1. Unpack the archive.
2. Copy contents of "for_your_psp" to the root of your memory stick.
.. This should copy IRShell 3.9 into the right places.
.. This should also copy the plugins into the right places.
5. Exit Recovery mode. IRShell 3.9 should boot up automatically.
6. Enter the "iR Shell Configurator" (bottom row, third from the left).
7. Ensure the following are configured:
.. UMD Mode: Sony NP9660 NoUMD Mode .. POP Ver: Use Popsloader Plugin .. Redirect APP View to Host: Enabled .. Display Redirect to PC via usbhost0: Enabled .. NOTE: 'Redirect Keypad to Host' does not currently work with the 3.9/3.90 m33-3 combo.
8. Save the configuration by pressing circle (O)
9. Enter "Directory View" (top row, far left)
10. Navigate to \IRSHELL\PATCH\3.90
11. Run "btcnfpatch.prx", this will the "pspbtjnf.bin" file in your flash memory. When completed, your PSP will reset and you will be back in IRShell 3.9
12. Plug in a USB cable from your PSP to your PC
13. Select "Toggle USBHost" (third row, second from the left). Your PSP will give an error, ignore it.
.. Your PC should detect a "PSP Type B" and ask for the driver.
.. Select "Install from a list or specific location (Advanced)"
.. "Include this location in a search:" and browse to the "for_your_pc\RemoteJoySDL\LibUSB" folder.
.. Depending in your version of windows (32- or 64-bit) select "driver" or "driver_x64"
14. Restart your PSP by holding down the power button and turning it back on. IRShell should open automatically.
15. On your PC, goto "for_your_pc\RemoteJoySDL" and run "Start-USBHostFS_PC.bat"
16. On your PSP, once again goto "Toggle USBHost". Your PC dialogue box should say "Connected to device"
17. On your PC, goto "for_your_pc\RemoteJoy4iRS" and run "RemoteJoy4iRS.exe"
.. Your antivirus may call this a virus of some sort.
.. I have had no problems and have downloaded this from a number of sources and 'Avast!' claims that all are viruses.
.. Do this at your own risk, however.
18. RemoteJoy4iRS will be blank.
19. On your PSP, "Toggle USBHost" to off.
20. On your PSP, "Toggle USBHost" to on.
You should have video output to your PC now. If you do not, run steps 14 - 20 again and/or restarting your PC.
.. You can operate the PSP as you like inside IRShell, including playing ISO/CSO files,PSX EBOOTS or other homebrew.
.. Mess around with RemoteJoyiRS... it's a good GUI which has a number of options include Fullscreen.
--- END GUIDE --
NOTE 1: Sound does not get transferred via USB. If you want sound, plug into your PSP directly.
NOTE 2: Keyboard redirection is not currently included in this guide as I believe it is not currently working with IRShell 3.9 and 3.90 m33-3 .
I take no credit for any of the software or anything, if you want to know who made the bits Google will tell you.
Yeah that was my main frustration, trying to get all the bits and pieces together - I'm hoping this will make it easier for people that want to achieve it.