There has been quite a few threads recently about problems with eboot's, so I have wrote this simple guide to hopefully help some people out...
Download ICETEA from HERE, and danny_kay1710's Popstation GUI from HERE
I currently use 3.71 M33-4, which i find the most stable for PS1 games. I have never had a PS1 eboot that wouldn't play on this firmware and i haven't even had to install POPSLOADER, so i recommend this for playing PS1 conversions.
First you need an image file of the PS1 game you want to convert. I use IMGBURN to rip the .iso/.bin, which you can download from HERE.
When you have a disk image, you need to use ICETEA to turn it into an eboot. Unzip the ICETEA archive you download, and run the program. All you need to do is choose the file you want to convert, and set the compression level to Best Compression which will save a lot of space without effecting game play.
Fill in the Game Title how you want to see it in the XMB, and click onto the advanced tab. Here you can add the game icon and the full screen background for when the game is highlighted on the XMB, although they must be in .png image format. There are a number of other options such as the sound it will play when highlighted etc, but i never mess with these as I don?t really see the point.
NB: it is not necessary to add images and backgrounds. If you do not want to, simply skip this step.
Click CONVERT, and let the program do its thing. You will be given a folder with an eboot file in it when the program finishes.
Next, unzip the Popstation GUI by danny_kay1710 and go to the FILES folder. Copy the file called Keys.bin, and paste it into the output folder from ICETEA, which contains the eboot.
Now, rename the folder containing your eboot and the keys.bin files to the name of the game, eg Metal Gear Solid, and copy the entire folder (Highlight, then ctrl+c).
Now, connect your PSP to your PC, and go to USB CONNECTION under the setting tab on the XMB. Enter the PSP folder, and then the GAME folder. Paste the folder containing the eboot and the Keys.bin into the GAME folder, so the path should be as follows:
x:\PSP\GAME\NAME OF YOUR PSX GAME, and in that file there should be the keys.bin and your eboot file. Press O on your PSP, and go to the GAME section. Select Memory card, and your PSX game should be displayed.
Hope that?s easy enough to understand, its quite a simple process once you get your head around it.