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Playing PSP games
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14. June 2008 @ 18:07 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
tl;dr: How can I play psp roms on psp?

I know there are a billion posts asking the same damn question, but pissing into the ocean of piss isn't THAT bad, right? Besides, I'd like to just use this as a personal reference so I don't have to spend 40 minutes googling every time I want to go to the next step.

I've found several threads on this subject (mainly this one), but reading 37+ pages of posts, half of them not even concerning my specific questions, is not my idea of awesome.
I'd like to get a few things straightened out before I risk my PSP :(

I have a silver PSP slim with firmware 3.91 (It's the Daxter edition).
I'd like to mod it so that I can play PSP games on it by downloading the ISO file onto a memory stick.

It seems this is the basic process:
1. Buy pandora's battery
2. Create magical memory stick using this guide
3. Install custom 3.7 firmware onto PSP
4. Upgrade custom 3.7 firmware to custom 3.90 M33 firmware
5. Download iso's
6. If iso's are not packed, use UMDGen or use this guide
7. Put games+emulator on memory stick
8. Profit!

Here are my questions:
If you know the answer to just one, post it anyways, please. I will revise my post based on your answers so I have a complete process as a reference.
1. s this process correct?
2. Will a 1 GB pro duo be sufficient for the magical memory stick?
3. I've read posts claiming that the largest PSP iso so far is 1.8 GB. Does this mean I can fit any rom and the PSP emulator onto a 2 GB with no problems?
4. Which PSP emulator do you reccomend? Is UMDEmulator 0.8 still good?
5. Would this Tool battery work:

Thanks for your time.
Senior Member
14. June 2008 @ 20:31 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Ok, lets get you started with THIS guide which will show you exactly how to downgrade.

Now for your other questions...

1. Use thread linked above instead.
2. Yes, a 1gb stick should be fine.
3. You should be able to, but personally i would recommend at least a 4gb stick. I have a 4gb and can get antwhere between 3 and 8 games on it + ROMS and emulators etc.
4. You don not need a PSP emulator...they are built into the Custom Firmware's.
5. That should be fine, personally i have THIS one.

Hope that helps, post back with any more questions :).


20. July 2008 @ 16:29 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
The guide tells me that:
New SLIM PSP systems have blocked the use of Pandora Battery Creators.
I have a slim psp, but how do I know if it blocked the creator?
I ran the easyinstaller, and I didn't notice any problems.
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