emu problems
15. June 2008 @ 19:33 |
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I have searched through google and this site and cant find out what is wrong with my cps2 emulater. I downloaded the roms made a roms folder in the cps2 folder and converted the rom to a cache file that came out as a .zip file wich I threw into the cache folder yet when I run the rom it says error cannot open file. "title8_usage(scroll1 pen usage)" press any button. Any help would be greatful.
21. June 2008 @ 17:34 |
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this is the order in wich you have the folders right??
Cps2psp/Roms/(name of game)
Cps2psp/cache/(name of games cache file)
if you do then just try getting a new Rom...
do you have a phat?
or a slim??
Its me and im here...so yea thats all i wanted to say
22. June 2008 @ 12:28 |
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I have a phat and yes thats how I have the folders. Maby a bad rom?
22. June 2008 @ 17:46 |
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it could be a bad rom...
i think thats the most likely case....
get a new rom and lets see what happens
Its me and im here...so yea thats all i wanted to say
Junior Member
22. June 2008 @ 20:55 |
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Yeah it could be the the rom, I managed to get CPS1PSP, CPS2PSP, AND MVSPSP working on my cfw fat 3.80m33-4 , which rom are you trying to get working and how did your rom converter produce a .zip file? mine produces either folders or just the cache file , but yeah the reason I asked which rom is because some just dont work and you have to download a "bootleg" version of it like SNK vs Capcom SVC chaos "bootleg".
Ok now has anybody managed to get "NCDZPSP" Neo Geo CD emulator to work?
"So many games so little time"
22. June 2008 @ 23:25 |
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whats the difference between ncdzpsp and mvspsp???
dont they both already have the same games?
Its me and im here...so yea thats all i wanted to say
Junior Member
23. June 2008 @ 09:56 |
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yeah I thought the same thing but actually its a completely
different "console" .
MVS(with out the PSP attached) is the arcade machine that the Neo Geo console would play or emulate. So basically everyone calls MVSPSP-NEO GEO because I believe all the MVS games came out on this console.
NEO GEO CD is something completely different if im not mistaken, do you remember the Sega Genesis? of course you do, but do you remember the Sega Saturn?, probably have not thought of it in a while, what about the 32x upgrade? and sega CD to mega CD?
those were like upgrades to the original sega genesis I think, but NEO GEO CD was like going from Nintendo to Super Nintendo almost,
all I know is , theres a game called "Samuri Spirits RPG" also known as "Samuri Shodown RPG!" and your NOT GONNA BE ABLE TO play it on MVSPSP only NCDZPSP
"So many games so little time"
24. June 2008 @ 00:57 |
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oh i see what you mean...
but you cant get it to work?
Its me and im here...so yea thats all i wanted to say
Junior Member
24. June 2008 @ 14:18 |
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Well at the time I wrote that last post "NO"
But now "YES"
With a little help I got it up and running now I'm just waiting
for some one to come out with a english patch version of
Samuri Shodown RPG.
I'm currently working on and having trouble with "PICODRIVE" for PSP
now any help will be much appreciated.
"So many games so little time"
24. June 2008 @ 19:04 |
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well i got picodrive working on mine...
whats the problem?
Its me and im here...so yea thats all i wanted to say
Junior Member
25. June 2008 @ 14:09 |
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Ok cool well I have some questions then
To start I have 3.80m33-4
what version of PICODRIVE do you have? I have 1.35
Does your PICODRIVE EMULATOR have 2 folders and goes in the GAME150 folder? " like a %folder and a regular folder
Mine came with 1 folder and goes in the GAME folder. The Picodrive
with 2 folders does not work on my psp. But the one that I have does work
I dont understand what Iso+mp3 files mean. it was mentioned in some tutorials but to me Im thinking it means put the ISO and mp3 files in the same folder together?
I extract the rar file and I get a ISO file and a bunch of mp3 files
I dont know what to do with these Im confused
Basically the emulator works, I get a black screen and I can access menus and pressing the shoulder buttons to save state and stuff
but when I click on the rom I want to play in my list I just get a black screen but im still able to access the emulator options like bios test and screen resolution the rom just wont play.
"So many games so little time"
Junior Member
25. June 2008 @ 15:32 |
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OK here is the tutorial I found
I dont know if this is correct but what I do know is I dont get it
To play any game you will first need the BIOS these are the names for them:
US: us_scd1_9210.bin us_scd2_9306.bin SegaCDBIOS9303.bin
EU: eu_mcd1_9210.bin eu_mcd2_9303.bin eu_mcd2_9306.bin
JP: jp_mcd1_9112.bin jp_mcd1_9111.bin
i can give you any direct links so google Sega Megadrive BIOS or something like that
i am unsure of where the games or BIOS goes but it would be safe to put them in the PicoDrive folder
MS0:(MemoryStick ROOT DIR)
games must be set up like this though
i also dont understand this last part talking about ISO+mp3 files mp3 encoding and how to set up the roms to work.
The game must be dumped to ISO format, but BIN can be used too. If you want
CD music, you must use ISO+mp3 files. Audio from BIN files won't be read at
all. Also BIN files are usually larger, so it's better to use ISO. ISO+mp3
files can be named similarly as for other emus.
Here are some examples:
SonicCD.iso data track
SonicCD_02.mp3 audio track 1 (CD track 2)
Sonic the Hedgehog CD (US) - Track 01.iso
Sonic the Hedgehog CD (US) - Track 02.mp3
Sonic the Hedgehog CD (US) - Track 03.mp3
It is very important to have the MP3s encoded at 44kHz sample rate and they
must be stereo, or else they will play too fast/slow or won't play at all.
Be sure NOT to use anything but classic mp3 format (don't use things like
ISO files can also be .cso compressed or zipped (but not mp3 files, as they
are already compressed). CSO will cause slightly longer loading times, and
is not very good for FMV games. Zipping ISOs is not recommened, as it will
cause very long (several minute) loading times, and make some games
unplayable. File naming is similar as with uncompressed ISOs.
SonicCD.cso data track
SonicCD_02.mp3 audio track 1 (CD track 2)
"So many games so little time"
25. June 2008 @ 15:58 |
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ok i didnt use all the bios...
i just used three...and i have them zipped
so you wanna use sega cd isos??
yea i never tried using those...
ive only used sega genesis roms...
if you like i can upload the one i have...
i am using 1.35....
like i said i have genesis roms...
i have at least 30...
and i would upload ready for use...
all you have to do is extract, drag and drop...
you wanna it??
i would help you with the sega cd isos but i havent had much look running it...
Its me and im here...so yea thats all i wanted to say
Junior Member
25. June 2008 @ 20:41 |
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are you talking about regular sega genenis?
aaaawwww man, no no no dude
I have almost every genesis rom already :-(
and I use the "DGEN" emulator for those
no man Im trying to run SEGA CD, MEGA CD, and
its cool though I appreciate everything, guess I have to keep searching for answers thanks anyway dude if you need help wit anything let me know
"So many games so little time"
10. July 2008 @ 10:51 |
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i finally got it working! just a bad rom. however when i try to run x men vs. street fighter, it says crc32 not correct. i have the euro and us version of the rom. the euro says dont bother. the us says crc32 not correct. any ideas?
Junior Member
10. July 2008 @ 13:57 |
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well I dont know what it means , Ive had the same problem with certain games
make sure you check the game compatability list that comes with the emulators
if not then hit me up and Ill try to post it here
the reason for this is because the game might be compatible but there are some cases where theres like 4 or 5 diffrent versions of that particular rom or a bootleg like I mentioned before
"So many games so little time"
10. July 2008 @ 17:37 |
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yea might not be compatible...but ive heard that you have to make sure the name of the file, is exactly as in the compatibility list...so check what its named on the list and if the file is named differently maybe you can try changing the name???
of course this is just a wild guess, ive never actually had that problem before
Its me and im here...so yea thats all i wanted to say
Junior Member
11. July 2008 @ 09:30 |
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no I dont think changing the name will work
the reason for this is because I think the compatibility list is displaying the "specific" rom with the correct "contents" inside.
so for example if the compatibility list says something like
ssf2(WORLD)(99367) <<<keep in mind I made all that up....
you Must have that version of that rom ,,,thats what I think anyway
but you can try it , wont hurt anything.
which street fighter were you trying to get working? I have Super Street Fighter 2 turbo working ....
I wish the "Rainbow Editions would work on it though" but cant have cake and eat it too.
oh and did you try to create a cache for your "ROM" in MVSPSP Converter and Cps2psp Converter?
"So many games so little time"
11. July 2008 @ 11:28 |
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its x men vs. street fighter. i have the cache of the euro and i have the euro and us roms in the rom folder.
Junior Member
14. July 2008 @ 16:32 |
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did you make the cache yourself?
my suggestion is this
are you sure its xmen vs street fighter? or is it capcom vs marvel?
anyway yeah
download every version of the rom and try to make caches for all of them until one works using MVSPSP ROMCNV AND CPS2PSP ROMCNV and get back to me
"So many games so little time"