Need to see info on backed up Blu-Ray
18. June 2008 @ 17:11 |
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I've backed up my personal copy of Surfs Up on Blu-Ray. However, when I go to look at the largest m2ts file, it seems to be missing the front, or first part of the movie.
Is there an easy way to compile all of the movie m2ts's into one? It seems to be broken up. I've been looking all over for a program that will give me that data, but to no avail.
Any help is appreciated. All I want to back up, really, is the movie. Not everything else.
It seeems from the guides I've taken a look at that it's "assumed" that there's only 1 m2ts file for the movie itself. I don't think that's true, per my situation, but have found nothing that can help me with that.
18. June 2008 @ 19:20 |
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download bd edit
thats helps
or check the second largest movie and play it
like some of the movies are on 18gb and 5gb u might missing the 5gb even thought m2ts number is greater than the other one
Senior Member
19. June 2008 @ 00:12 |
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Originally posted by badkclark: I've backed up my personal copy of Surfs Up on Blu-Ray. However, when I go to look at the largest m2ts file, it seems to be missing the front, or first part of the movie.
Is there an easy way to compile all of the movie m2ts's into one? It seems to be broken up. I've been looking all over for a program that will give me that data, but to no avail.
Any help is appreciated. All I want to back up, really, is the movie. Not everything else.
It seeems from the guides I've taken a look at that it's "assumed" that there's only 1 m2ts file for the movie itself. I don't think that's true, per my situation, but have found nothing that can help me with that.
If your backup has two separate m2ts files to the main feature (which would be unusual) then you can append/remux the with a program called tsMuxeR.
Of all the BD rips I have done (several) I have never come across a movie where the main feature is split into two separate m2ts files.
19. June 2008 @ 00:46 |
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Thanks for the advice. I'm having a hard time figuring out how BD Edit can help me. It lists the movie, but I'm trying to figure out how to decipher it. I'm a noob at the Blu Ray stuff (a vet of DVD backups, however).
I know how tsMuxer can append files. It's just finding out WHICH one needs to be added. There's too many of these m2ts things. Whatever happened to the ole IFO's we knew and loved!
I just know it's got to be more than one file, because I found one that shows the beginning, one that shows further on in the movie to the end (the largest file). The interesting thing is that they seem to "cross over" each other, or overlap.
If anyone's had experience backing up Surf's Up, let me know! ;-)
19. June 2008 @ 09:31 |
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Originally posted by odin24: Originally posted by badkclark: I've backed up my personal copy of Surfs Up on Blu-Ray. However, when I go to look at the largest m2ts file, it seems to be missing the front, or first part of the movie.
Is there an easy way to compile all of the movie m2ts's into one? It seems to be broken up. I've been looking all over for a program that will give me that data, but to no avail.
Any help is appreciated. All I want to back up, really, is the movie. Not everything else.
It seeems from the guides I've taken a look at that it's "assumed" that there's only 1 m2ts file for the movie itself. I don't think that's true, per my situation, but have found nothing that can help me with that.
If your backup has two separate m2ts files to the main feature (which would be unusual) then you can append/remux the with a program called tsMuxeR.
Of all the BD rips I have done (several) I have never come across a movie where the main feature is split into two separate m2ts files.
I've had a few... Simpsons movie is split into 4 files that play end to end... But the real fun part is working with movies with seamless branching of extended scenes, like Spiderman 3, what a PITA... play each file, note how long it is and what part of the storyline it is, then reassemble everything with tsMuxer... fun!
19. June 2008 @ 11:08 |
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Well, I figured it out. And BD Edit helped me. By looking, thru BD Edit at each of the m2ts's, I was able to narrow down the ones that had the multiple channels.
Here's how it worked out for me, for this movie particularly.
It's all about the languages. For anyone that's seen Surf's UP, there's a bit of play before the credits start. So, there's 3 m2ts's.
1st) First part, all languages share
2nd) Multiple different m2ts's for this portion, each showing the title "Surfs Up" in different languages.
3rd) The remainder of the movie (all languages share) Interestingly, the end credits are in english, no matter which language you choose.
So, overall, an interesting thing. So, I can use tsMuxer to decrypt the movie with everything "appended", yes?
Thanks, everyone, for your help.