Okiekoke. Im not sure if this is really simple or what but ive been searching for a solution for a long time now and cant seem to find any solution.
First of all.
Im Running a Fat PSP with 3.71 M33-4, i used the Universal Unbricker guide on this site to apply my CFW for an insight into what my spec is.
I have been playing Single Disk EBOOTS perfectly for a while now, without any problems. i have been trying to create multidisk EBOOTS though for convenience and any future games which may need them.
I used PSX2PSP V 1.4 To create Multidisk Eboot files of games that i have been running successfully as single disks (Grandia and Legend of Dragoon if its any help.) and the actual creation works fine.
I Transfer them into the correct folder on the PSP and they appear i am able to select them from the Game Mem Stick. However when i try to load them the Bootwarning Image appears and then the screen fades to black as if it is going to load but just stays on teh black screen. The Memory card Light Flashes, but nothing happens im left with a black screen and a constantly flashing memory card.
I have the Exact same problem with the two games, and the game isnt broken as ive been running them alone. i can only assume it is a problem with the way im creating the files or a setting i have.
ive tryed two different Multidisk Eboot Converters, by following guides for both programs, so i dont think its that. I also read that i might need to use a popsloader but then i read that 3.71 M33-4 supports the Multi-Disk eboots on its own. (I Failed at getting popsloader to work.)
I dont know where to go from here...any help would be greatly appreciated
Try recreating the multi-disk eboot using THIS guide.
3.71 M33-4 is on of the best CFW's for PSZ compatibility, but you may still need to install POPSLOADER for some games. Use THIS guide to install it.
have tryed both those things, using PyPops made no difference i got teh exact same problem. And i have tryed to use popsloader but it doesnt seem to install correctly despite following the guide by the word.
Is there anything else it could be, the way in which the problem is identical no matter the game, no matter the converter makes me think its definitely something to with my PSP.
EDIT: forgot too add. I Do not get any sort of Error Message, just a everpresent blank screen and flashing Memcard light.
I am a huge fan of PSP Impayler, The only time I use the PyPops is when I have to manually change the game ID (Legend of Legia issue, along with a few others.)
But both of these application I found on the board here, and through google.
Oh and I had that very issue with Legend of legia, but it is single disk. hit of the wiki compatibility list thing, and read about what game your smashing on.
ive tryed Impaler and i get the same result unfortunatley. Ive been using the Gamerpress compatibility guide also. The Games are working fine as single Disk Eboots, its only when there multidisk that i get the problem.
ive googled and found many different problems but not this one. they all seem to get some sort of Error or get into the game before it crashes. I just get a black screen as soon as the Bootwarning image fails, that never goes anywhere (with the light flashing).