easiest way to FTP ya XBOX (in my opinion)
22. June 2008 @ 22:17 |
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ok i was such a noob back then until i found out how to ftp my xbox to my pc with out those long tutorials this is the best way to ftp ya xbox
what you need:
1.flashfxp you can get this here
2.an xbox hard modded or softmodded with evox dashboard
3.a spare Ethernet cable to connect to your wireless router (must have one)
ok connect the Ethernet to the router.
turn xbox on go to setting's network make sure it's in auto ip
as in DHCP enable :yes
save and exit reboot the xbox
and now you should see your xbox ip
now on your PC open flashfxp
click on the lightning bolt click quick connect type in your xbox ip
user name and password
and the xbox folders should apear
congrats your done!!!!
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23. June 2008 @ 06:57 |
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But why use a payware (and IMHO flawed) FTP app when free open source is easily available? http://filezilla-project.org/
Otherwise a good synopsis of the process. :)
13. September 2008 @ 03:08 |
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13. September 2008 @ 03:10 |
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what ever works for you
20. September 2008 @ 01:44 |
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i tried this and i got a message u do not have permission to access that file
23. September 2008 @ 22:00 |
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Thanks for the quick guide. Now I have to get an ethernet cable long enough to connect to my Xbox in order to try it.
However, first I have a few questions:
1) Will it work if I'm connecting my Xbox to my eWire modem, which has a built-in wireless router?
2) Will it stream videos and music straight from my PC to my Xbox, so I can play them on XBMC? Will they play as if they were playing straight off a DVDr in your Xbox drive?
3) If it's using your router, I assume it's also using your internet connection. If this is the case, does this mean that, every time you stream something, it counts as data transfer?
I ask because I have only a 60GB/month download limit.
4) Can Microsoft detect that you're using a modchip in your Xbox?
If so, what can they do to you (or, should I say, your Xbox)?
29. September 2008 @ 20:25 |
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can this be done with an xbox 360 modded?
20. October 2008 @ 12:20 |
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Thanx for the guide. I've had loads of problems with ftp'ing in the past and now I've transferred many games and files from my laptop to my xbox, thanks again.
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20. October 2008 @ 22:03 |
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to address some of these..
1) Will it work if I'm connecting my Xbox to my eWire modem, which has a built-in wireless router?
No reason it won't
2) Will it stream videos and music straight from my PC to my Xbox, so I can play them on XBMC? Will they play as if they were playing straight off a DVDr in your Xbox drive?
You need to set up samba and a share location.. then access the pc through xbmc just like any other location
3) If it's using your router, I assume it's also using your internet connection. If this is the case, does this mean that, every time you stream something, it counts as data transfer?
I ask because I have only a 60GB/month download limit.
No.. it's internal so it shouldn't ever get outside
4) Can Microsoft detect that you're using a modchip in your Xbox?
If so, what can they do to you (or, should I say, your Xbox)?
Yes.. they have ways to verify the motherboard and hdd serial number pairing.. and dash version.. that kind of thing. If they catch you playing a modded system online you will get that motherboard banned from live FOREVER. (unless you change the eeprom and hdd pair.. not worth the expense.. buy a used stock xbox to play on live.
25. October 2008 @ 03:01 |
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also if you do it this way i think you are connected to the internet so you can see up dates in xbmc
20. November 2008 @ 23:50 |
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can i do this without a router like plugging it right into the back of the computer
7. December 2008 @ 15:55 |
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Hey I Literally just joined here, Ive flashed Dozens of Xboxes, But my Xbox (LOL) is another story, I Installed AnOd-X v1.02.1 on it about 2 - 3 years ago(Neglected it since) I now want to flash it only got a 2 bank switch(think its an X2 chip) Bank 1 has AnOd on it and Bank 2 has FlashBios 3.0.3 on it, Tried more discs than ive seen in 95% of computer stores in 3 days it wont take CD-R CD+R DVD-R DVD+R and RW dont work either, So i thought id FTP it again only problem is It wont connect with FlashFXP or CoreFTP light..... Its a V1.0-1.5 ( i know this as its a crystal and was bought about 6 months after the 1st xbox release. Now the xbox says its IP is (I Changed It To That),
Username and pass are The Standard Root/Xbox(Was 3 yrs ago Doubt it will have changed coz i Havent changed it), FlashFXP and CoreFTP both have same info in (no gateway) and i get about 10 seconds of waiting then BAM cant connect to Im Pissed aint slept in 2 days wasted around £50 of disks and seriously contemplating on taking the first object infront of me and smashing the xbox up with it....
I want to flash it with EvolutionX V2.5 E-Boot.
I then want to Linux it via that.
Anyone help???
Sanity Level <Sane>----------¦-<Insane>
7. December 2008 @ 17:37 |
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You might want to look into the pass then just change it to xbox/xbox what are your network settings
7. December 2008 @ 20:12 |
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Well ive got good news and bad news.....
Good - Managed to network the console via router downstairs...
Bad - Flashed the bios with a supposed "512k" bios, turns out SOME NOOB had named it wrongly and has NOW TOOK A SLEDGEHAMMER TO MY DAMN Console!!!!!
Get the Pow On - Off - On - Off - On Christmas lights (Red-Green-Red-Green <YAY>)
Opened it up (i didnt fit this chip i may add observed tho)
Seated perfectly all pins are fine, solder points are Fine and getting full conductivity.... chip must be ganked dunno where to find a programmer any suggestions??
Plus if anyone knows of a solution to this id appreciate it GREATLY!
just Run me a list of Solutions that have previously sorted this, Ill go down em 1 by 1.
Kinda pissed its 1 am now and i just screwed my xbox by FTP'ing' Via Internet Xplorer i own other consoles but wanted Le Beast.
Now for some nice friendly advice plz, Buy a programmer for this Prehistoric chip or buy one of the new Badass chips(Ill Only buy Xecuter had stupid issues with hundreds of others during flashing).
This is my first xecuter FAIL >,<
All help and hints appreciated.
8. December 2008 @ 13:59 |
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EDIT of last post....
Seems i have a X2.6 chip, had a further look into this today i also noticed that one of the soldered cables are burnt around the plastic coat i have no idea if this is effecting it as there are no bare wires showing and its only surface burn, will replace and update.
8. December 2008 @ 14:15 |
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Sorry For Technically triple posting another update i got a V1.6?
I dont know whether its a/b or just a 1.6 but its an 05(china) and has the same Vid Chip and RAM as a 1.6 + its year and week is in the same timezone as the 1.6? also its a crystal ive heard of 1-1.5 crystals but mines is a 1.6 due to later production.... however all the 1-1.5 crystal boxes ive heard of ive now been told were Repaired using Random bought parts therefore making them 1-1.5 or in some cases different 1.6 versions.
9. December 2008 @ 18:35 |
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why wont this work for me? I keep getting connected...then connection failed and I have to wait 120 seconds...also what IP in the setting for the xbox do i use? i have at the top....then middle then the defultgateway of
9. December 2008 @ 18:52 |
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So let me get this straight BigMikedm You are trying to FTP via Internet Xplorer... ?
If Not still use this way its WAYYYY easier.
Go onto IE and Type in URL box HTTP://YOURXBOX'S IP (actually put your xbox ip).
It should connect to it and bring up ( depends on which chip you r using) the (for example) Xecuter Flash bios Version(whatever).
Now click browse go to the area where your bios is stored in the browse menu and select it now click Flash and Wait say 15 Minutes Then Switch over to your newly flashed bank and enjoy, If anything goes wrong i am not to blame its your own fault if the flashed bios screws up during Flashing (LIKE my previous did as i used the wrong version (Stupid move).
If you just want to FTP to your box then Type into the URL box,
(if this doesnt work A) wrong IP B) wrong username or pass C) Maybe ive forgot what way its meant to be typed..
Only other way i can think is
HTTP://USERNAME:PASS/XBOXIP (I think the first on is right tho, if not Google it "How to FTP via Internet Explorer")
Sorry if you feel as if im talking to you like you are stupid but i like to lay out my ideas in the simplest of ways so Whoever reads it can understand it Regardless.
9. December 2008 @ 18:59 |
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Originally posted by Renster: So let me get this straight BigMikedm You are trying to FTP via Internet Xplorer... ?
If Not still use this way its WAYYYY easier.
Go onto IE and Type in URL box HTTP://YOURXBOX'S IP (actually put your xbox ip).
It should connect to it and bring up ( depends on which chip you r using) the (for example) Xecuter Flash bios Version(whatever).
Now click browse go to the area where your bios is stored in the browse menu and select it now click Flash and Wait say 15 Minutes Then Switch over to your newly flashed bank and enjoy, If anything goes wrong i am not to blame its your own fault if the flashed bios screws up during Flashing (LIKE my previous did as i used the wrong version (Stupid move).
If you just want to FTP to your box then Type into the URL box,
(if this doesnt work A) wrong IP B) wrong username or pass C) Maybe ive forgot what way its meant to be typed..
Only other way i can think is
HTTP://USERNAME:PASS/XBOXIP (I think the first on is right tho, if not Google it "How to FTP via Internet Explorer")
Sorry if you feel as if im talking to you like you are stupid but i like to lay out my ideas in the simplest of ways so Whoever reads it can understand it Regardless.
EDIT: also Flash FXP has Tendancies to Bulls**t you and say cant connect, dont know why it just does, If you use a router go to it take you ethernet thats connected to your xbox and plug it into the router and use the computer connected to the router by ethernet to FTP it Sometimes a PC (Directly) connected to xbox by ethernet doesnt work well or at all. one other thing is if your doing it by router like i just said then make sure your cable is a "Straight-Through" (In other words have a look at the small colored cables in the clear head on both ends they should look like they have been mirrored) If the Green is in a different slot which makes it uneven then its a crossover.
9. December 2008 @ 18:59 |
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Originally posted by Renster: So let me get this straight BigMikedm You are trying to FTP via Internet Xplorer... ?
If Not still use this way its WAYYYY easier.
Go onto IE and Type in URL box HTTP://YOURXBOX'S IP (actually put your xbox ip).
It should connect to it and bring up ( depends on which chip you r using) the (for example) Xecuter Flash bios Version(whatever).
Now click browse go to the area where your bios is stored in the browse menu and select it now click Flash and Wait say 15 Minutes Then Switch over to your newly flashed bank and enjoy, If anything goes wrong i am not to blame its your own fault if the flashed bios screws up during Flashing (LIKE my previous did as i used the wrong version (Stupid move).
If you just want to FTP to your box then Type into the URL box,
(if this doesnt work A) wrong IP B) wrong username or pass C) Maybe ive forgot what way its meant to be typed..
Only other way i can think is
HTTP://USERNAME:PASS/XBOXIP (I think the first on is right tho, if not Google it "How to FTP via Internet Explorer")
Sorry if you feel as if im talking to you like you are stupid but i like to lay out my ideas in the simplest of ways so Whoever reads it can understand it Regardless.
Well I am using FlashXFP...trying to anyways...i posted in this forum saying i just got this xbox with evolution x and i have no idea what i am doing....
to be honest i don't feel comfortable "flashing" anything and fucking it up cause I will have noway to get this xbox going again...now what IP address of the 3 listed in the settings do I use?
9. December 2008 @ 19:05 |
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Honestly Default gateway is BS, use the .0.2 first and then if failed try the 1.4 i dont know what yours would be due to the fact i know my xbox ip because pre flash i modified the .INI file..
go into your xbox's Hard drive and look for Evox.ini read it scroll down and see what it says under IP:.
^^Use the Xbox to do it via evox dash^^ (Just so i make it clearer)
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 9. December 2008 @ 19:06
9. December 2008 @ 19:05 |
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my laptop is wireless...xbox is connected to the router..i am trying to connect....i appreciate your help and bearing with me...i am lost to say the least.
9. December 2008 @ 19:09 |
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Ok so your trying to wirelessly connect to the router then to the box, Dont think that will work. Ethernet ur laptop to ur router and try.
and use the IE method stated above.
Regular name and pass will be A) xbox/xbox B) root/xbox.
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 9. December 2008 @ 19:19
9. December 2008 @ 19:27 |
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ok i can connect with a LAN to the router and then router to xbox.
i thought you said i needed to flash something with the IE way?
9. December 2008 @ 19:35 |
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Im tired Bud, i misread it :p
good you connected :D hope thats all you were looking for.
Well i did say you could flash your bax if YOU wanted to its there in the above posts if you want to in future easy as it looks (getting the bios usually is hard as hell but i got a few and can Email IF u want)
anyway thats for another day im WRECKED.