iTunes renames my mp4 files when I import them.
I used Slysoft's CloneDVD mobile to create mp4 files.
I didn't like CloneDVD's file-naming convention, so in Windows Explorer I renamed them.
For example, I renamed "Brain_T4_C01" to "Brain 07-01".
When I imported this file iTunes ignored the new name and imported it using the original "Brain_T4_C01".
Is there a way to have the iTunes import retain the new file name, and ignore the original file name?
Thanks for your response.
It is true that iTunes allows file-renaming. I have been doing that, just as you described.
But this is very time-consuming. I'm dealing with many files: several series of video lectures, each of which has multiple tracks. I've already taken the time in Windows Explorer to give more-meaningful names to the original files.
Now I would just like iTunes to retain those meaningful names instead of reverting to the more cryptic originals.