Hi guys, I've learned tons from these forums, including how to rip my ps1 games and turn them into eboots to play on the psp. For that, I'm extremely grateful to the forums.
But I've this one very weird problem. I've ripped a number of games from my PSX discs, (Xenogears, Chrono Cross, Lengend of Mana, so on and so forth.) and converted them to eboots using PopStation GUI. Those games worked fine, but this particular game refused to work. The name of the game is 'Monster Rancher - Battle Card - Episode II' It shows up as corrupted data on the psp.
I thought that the original iso I ripped from the game disc might have been corrupted, so I used the ePSXe emulator to run the iso, and to my surprise, the game ran perfectly well on the emulator. So have any of your guys encountered this type of problem before? And is there anyway to overcome it? I'll really appreciate any help and thanks in advance. :)
A small percentage of PSX games (something like 12%) simply will not convert to an eboot format due to firmware issues within the PSP. Emulators can usually bypass these issues, and that is why it is suggested by most that you use a PSX emulator as opposed to ripping the ISO into an Eboot.
try a different converter id suggest autopopstation 4 it works fine on most games but there are some that dont work but it would not show up on the psp if it didnt work with the psp emulator
corrupt data would suggest that there is a problem with the converter.