Hello I need help REALLY REALLY BAD !! I have been working on this forever !! And I still haven't got it, What I want is to hack monster hunter freedom 2, I have the
All code are on CWCheat format
_S ULUS-10266
_G Monster Hunter 2
_C0 Battle Support
_L 0x007E8D62 0x00000096
_L 0x007E8E9E 0x00000096
_L 0x107E8FD6 0x000001C2
_L 0x107E9092 0x000001C2
Battle support, this code will give you max & inf HP & Stamina.
_C0 Weapon Support
_L 0x107E9072 0x00007FFF
_L 0x107E9AF2 0x00007FFF
_L 0x210C3744 0x00000000
_L 0x107E9B38 0x00007FFF
_L 0x107E9076 0x0000FFFF
_L 0x007E90DB 0x000000FF
_L 0x107E90D2 0x00000000
This code will give you max sharpness without anoying message, unlimited bomb & trap placement, rage mode on long sword, noreload for gun, instant mega blast for gun lance.
_C0 Stand Still
_L 0x507E8D18 0x00000001
_L 0x007E8D1C 0x00000000
_L 0xD07E8D1C 0x00000002
_L 0x107E8D18 0x00000200
Keep standing when you are attacked.
_C0 Boss Spot
_L 0x107E908E 0x0000FFFF
Display boss location.
_C0 Carry Item Multiplier
_L 0x810D7814 0x00180002
_L 0x10000063 0x00000000
Multiply item in your pocket.
_C0 Camp & Sleep
_L 0xE0011300 0x001DD108
_L 0x107E8D18 0x00007200
_L 0xE0014300 0x001DD108
_L 0x107E8D18 0x00003300
Press Select+Triangle to go back. Press Select+Cross to Sleep. Use on field only! Use on village may crash the game.
_C0 Pig Clothes
_L 0x110D7764 0x0000FFFF
Open drawer in your room to change pig's clothes. I don't find famitsu clothes in US version, I guess it was removed.
_C0 Killed Monster
_L 0x810C6D88 0x004D0001
_L 0x1000270F 0x00000000
Number of killed monster.
_C0 Movie
_L 0x210D7754 0xFFFFFFFF
_L 0x210D7758 0xFFFFFFFF
Unlock all movies.
I separate this section because need a bit explanation.
In MH2 you can only hold 600 weapons/armors and 600 items, however there are thousands variation of item, so you can't have all of them at once. For that reason I invented inventory selection method.
Here how it works:
- By activating this code, you automatically get 6 inventory boxes.
WEAPON/ARMOR- Box 1-3 works as your permanent inventory, box 4-6 works as selection area.
- By pressing specific button, various weapon/armor will appears on box 4-6, but don't use straight from there.
- Use Arrange Items menu!!! Choose your desired weapon/armor, and move it to permanent box (box 1-3)
- Now you can use the weapon/armor from box 1-3.
- For item, permanent inventory is box 1, selection area is box 2-6. You can take item directly from selection area (no need move to permanent inventory)
This crap, I just don't know what Fireware is. Or how to get it..But I would like someone to help me, PLEASE before this weekend ! I am leaving on a long trip AND THESE STUPID MONSTERS AREN'T DYING ITS KILLING ME !!! (both inside and out.) BUT PLEASE SOMEONE HELP ME DO THIS !! STEP BY STEP LEAVE A YAHOO SN HERE AND WALK ME THOUGHT ON YAHOO !! OR LEAVE A MESSAGE HERE BUT PLEASE GET BACK TO ME !! I REALLY NEED HELP !!! oh and if anyone knows how to watch youtube on the psp could you tell me that too ? thanks.