I have ran across a problem with my computer that I can't seem to fix. I made a couple BIOS changes at the direction of a tech support agent (revert back to factory settings, and choose No Boot for the USB Controller). This was done to try to get an external Hard Rive to work at start up. (The problem with it was that the system would try to boot from the external drive).
Now that I have made those two BIOS Changes, I can't get past the blue screen of death. I have tried several times to reinstall windows/repair windows, but haven't had any luck there either.
Anybody have any suggestions on what I could do? The hard drive I am trying to repair is a SATA drive, and I have a second internal SATA Drive as well purely for file storage.
It looks like you are trying to run in AHCI, so you would need a floppy disk, and put drivers for the HD. If that is indeed the issue, then I would suggest slipstreaming SP2 on your XP CD, or geet the floppy disk.