Im pretty new to this scene, only got my psp slim a few days but i've already learnt quite a bit about it, I have 4.01 M33-2 installed, 95% of psp games seem to work fine but it would appear im still a big juicy nub when it comes to the matter of PSX (PS1) games, no matter what I try they only ever show up as currupt data.
i've tried sticking the ISO into the PSP/GAME folder, i've tried sticking the Eboot and KEYS files in PSP/GAME/%gamename% i've read tons of guides and threads in the past couple days, trying to learn all this crazyness but when it comes to the psx games im kinda in limbo, am i screwed because im 4.01 M33-2 an i have to wait for a popsloader specificly for 4.01, is there a specific rip program im suppose to be using for making Eboots for slim.
So far i have tried cd1 ff7 and cd1 ff8 and front missions 2, all yeilding the same (currupt data) result, they have all been ripped from PAL ps1 orginal CDs using POPS STATION GUI any help would be much appreciated
the games need to be named eboot.pbb and be in a folder and placed in the psp game folder like this
ms0=root ill use the game digimon world as an example
the eboot.pbp is the game the digimon world is just a folder
ms0:psp>game>digimon world>eboot.pbp
only psp games go in he iso folder
nice that you have done your research though =D
Thanks for the info Isaac, one last question, i read about a chap using 3.80 M33 Popsloader on 3.90 m33-2 and it worked for him, does that mean I can use 3.80 pops as well, will it still yeild the same results even if a have a 1.50kernel-less slim system or is a pops loader not needed at all for 4.01m33-2 . thanks in advance guys.
yes you can use any pops you want after you installed popsloader, you'll have the choice amongst the dirrefent pops when you launch the game for the first time so don't stress too much about being able to play ff7 or ff8 after upgrading. i am myself using pops 3.71 on my 3.90