I know cwcheat has a large library & the ability to search for your own cheats. But if I have the cheat aleady for pro action replay and/or gameshark, is there a way to convert those codes to something cwcheat can use, if so, how do I do it?
try googling i dont dont think there is because gameshark have never made a cheat device for the psp so the codes would be for something else, if im wrong peepz tell me!
i have some ps1 games that have cheat alrdy made for other devices, so I was wanting to use those but I need to convert them to the format, whether w/ a program or w/ some formula, anyone able to help??
Originally posted by pIRatZE: My bad.It`s only for CWCheatPops.Sorry for mislead info`s.
Ultima did say it was for PS1 games, so Pops would be the one that he wants to edit.
Also, if that doesn't work for you, it's really simple. Just open up cheatpops.db with Notepad.
Find your game (CTRL+F to search), and paste your code in like in the following example:
-KEY----------------------------- _S = The Game's ID Number
_G = The Game's Name
_C0= The Name of the Code on the Next Line
_L = The Code
_S SLUS_01079
_G Army Men: World War
_C0 Invincible
_L 800FEB7C 0490
For every code that you put in, add a _C0 (C[Zero]) line for the name of the code below it, and then an _L line for the code.