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I don't need my phone unlocked! - just some questions
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15. July 2008 @ 00:54 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
The very first phone I got unlocked was a nokia, with out any problems. Is samsung just more difficult to unlock or are all phones becoming harder to break away from their network.

what makes unlocking "expensive" to pay for. Just because everyone can't magically unlock their phone or does it have something to do with the person unlocking having to pay for something like the codes from the networks?

I've also been told I can just call up the company and they unlocked so and so's phone just like that. I was also told the phone companies pretend they know nothing at all. Somewhere in the forums there was something about it being perfectly legal to unlock your phone or something.

edjimucate the noob?

I think, therefor I have a headache
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16. July 2008 @ 03:03 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

yes unlocking you phone is legal in most countries, in the past it was very easy to unlock your phone however the phone producers getting smarted and building in all kind of securities

for samsung phones sometimes you can unlock the phone with a free reset code, but in most cases you will corrupt your imei number and bluetooth id, so the phone cannot find network, other types have tamper protection, if you try it 3x wrong it will give you the message phone freeze or contact reseller

so for unlocking samsung the safest way is to buy code from your operator. or unlock your phone online over server, for example has an option to unlock almost all samsung phones over data-cable (sometimes original cable sometimes special unlock cable this depends on phone type)

over the unlock client you can read out the unlockcodes of your phone, that way you keep 100% waranty, and no risks at all to kill or block your phone

16. July 2008 @ 08:54 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

thanks for the reply.

if I ever unlock the one I have now its likely I'll just suck it up and buy a code.

I was just wondering what the deal was, because it seemed before it was much easier. and it was.

I think, therefor I have a headache
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29. July 2008 @ 14:37 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Most of the samsung could be unlocked without paying. If you do little bit google you will find it. 3g Samsung is little bit difficult to unlock and must use software and unlock cable. read the instruction carefully before to do. Even it is freeze, you can always get it flashing back. Try it, don't be afraid. Unlock is the dirtiest way of the service provider to do business in USA (we do not live under communist regimelike Cuba). Do you want to buy a TV and the seller obligates you what channel you have to watch ? Lock phone will be obsolete vry soon with technology and competition. The easiest way to get unlock code is to call your service provider and request for the unlock code (if you lock phone belong to them, do not ask Tmobile for the code of AT&T phone). By law they have to give it to you. Except for sidekick from Tmobile. Most of the unlock service they sell it to people from foreigners who do not have the access fro requesting unlock code from service provider. Good luck

Learning by doing > forums > mobile devices > samsung > i don't need my phone unlocked! - just some questions

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