I bought my pc second hand with windows xp installed
I somehow got a/several virus/es dispite running Win Antivir2008 and ad-aware2008 i cannot acess my c-drive or my task manager or control panel i think i need to re-install windows but i do not have the disc therefore i dont have the serial number. Am i screwed or is there anoother way around it??
Well it would come as no suprise coz i can't even find a review that even mentions "Win Antivir2008" so one has to assume that's where your problem is comming from & is the virus,ad-aware2008 from Lavasoft is safe,next time if you've never heard of a program before always do a search for a review from pc world,cnet,tech republic,zdnet & not from some obscure never heard of site that also goes from any member that says get this or get that
OK first off don't connect to the net,save any data if possible,also save any serial numbers or activation codes you may need,you maybe able to boot to safemode & use the recorder to save data from there or an external hdd, you may also be able to go into add/remove to delete winanti2008 however doing so may break certain files in the OS or not ????,in any case once you've got what you need,if it's a branded computer like hp,dell etc your in luck as they all have their own recovery partition,it's imperative you use a full destructive reformat & not a repair,you'll have to use either the key F1,F8 or F10 to get to the recovery partition better still look online for recovery options instructions for whatever brand of computer you have if the previous keys don't work,if your comps a no brand then you'll have to purchase a copy of the OS,get a full retail version of the OS or an upgrade.
Don't bother with cracked software it'll be buggy as hell