Who still play Red Alert here?
1. August 2008 @ 10:32 |
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I do and my 4 year old son loves it. He's just starting to get the hang of it...letting engineer to capture enemies buildings. It's been 12 years since I first played C&C Red Alert but I'm still hook.
My next fav is MS Age of Empires but thats another story.
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1. August 2008 @ 10:45 |
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I was thinking of trying C&C because I've never played them before. Although, I was thinking of getting C&C:3 Tiberium Wars. It is too much to buy the big nostalgic First Decade pack that they released just to try the game.
3 product reviews
5. August 2008 @ 11:53 |
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out of all the command and conquer series red alert is my 1st game. it was ok but the best was red alert 2 and it's expansion pack. i also like generals and it's expansion pack. also renegade as it's the first first person shooter in the command and conquer series ( i think). all the others, in my opinion are rubbish. including the latest tiberium wars and kane's wrath.
i like red alert because it's plain fun. i can't wait for red alert 3 in october :-)
6. August 2008 @ 16:12 |
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i must have been 4 when i first stared playing i played them all in order and still play them now.
i think the first c&c and the first red alert were good as they had some missions that got your brain working but now its build troops destroy base next level build troops destroy base next level and so on
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6. August 2008 @ 18:39 |
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the things i liked about red alert 2, generals and zero hour AND renegade was the fact that it was simple fun now in command and conquer 3, they have changed it and i don't like it. i hope red alert 3 is like red alert 2. to be honest i didn't expect the sound effects to be the same but they appear to be in the trailers and unit movies on the website
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6. August 2008 @ 19:27 |
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Originally posted by daacekin: out of all the command and conquer series red alert is my 1st game. it was ok but the best was red alert 2 and it's expansion pack. i also like generals and it's expansion pack. also renegade as it's the first first person shooter in the command and conquer series ( i think).
Agreed. Same story for me. Loved those games, (except Generals) but Red Alert 2 will always have a special place in my heart.
Originally posted by daacekin: all the others, in my opinion are rubbish. including the latest tiberium wars and kane's wrath.
i like red alert because it's plain fun. i can't wait for red alert 3 in october :-)
I disagree with that a little. Red Alert: The Aftermath wasn't much to speak of, but I did like Command and Conquer: Tiberium Sun. Sure, it was a little boring in parts, and the music wasn't much to speak of, but I found it overall a fun game to play, and perhaps one of the most innovative games of the Command and Conquer series (though cirtainly not as polished as Red Alert 2).
I also disagree with your opinion on Command and Conquer: Generals. That game and its expansion were both all flash and glitter with no story (oooh, 3D. woop de fricken doo). Though at least it was a passable game of itself, even if it was a bit buggy and hollow.
I haven't played through the original Command and Conquer completely, and I haven't played Red Alert: Counterstike, Tiberium Sun: Firestorm, or Command and Conquer 3, so I have no opinion on those ones.
7. August 2008 @ 06:31 |
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i think red alert 2 was the best the 3rd one you can build on water (i think).i also liked Ts and renegade
3 product reviews
7. August 2008 @ 07:26 |
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i think when i used the term rubbish i was a bit too harsh as i haven't played them (played tiberium wars and kane's wrath). sorry. anyway the reason i like generals and zero hour is the glitter. while you construct, the scaffolding is there. i really like that. you're also right in saying no story which makes it rubbish. but one thing i loved in red alert 2 is the cutscenes. i have never seen such quality cutscenes since. red alert 2 and yuri's revenge rules. i hate command and conquer 3 because it's more strategy than fun but red alert 2 had equal portions. also you could play a mission and by the end of it 45 mins could have passed and you had no idea but in the latest installment you can play and at the end only 20 mins gone. the enemy attacks you every second but in red alert 2 you'd have plenty of time to build a load of prism towers around your base.
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8. August 2008 @ 00:57 |
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So whats the best Red Alert in your opinion? RA2?
I almost forgot about the Generals. I'll check with my friend if he still got his copy. My son will surely love it. He's so hooked up with RA that the first words he say when he wake up is "I'm gonna play RA" But don't get me wrong, I don't allow him to play until he finish his studies.
8. August 2008 @ 05:37 |
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doesnt red alert have bad language in it ? i know some command and conquers do. Oh i dont give a **** it didnt ****ing afect me when i was growing up.
3 product reviews
8. August 2008 @ 07:45 |
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red alert 2 is much more fun. it's higher quality better cutscenes and it's more of everything red alert 1 has. it is excellent, red alert 1 is the game i'd say IF red alert 2 didn't come out. but it did so i say my FAVOURITE game(s) are red alert 2 and it's expansion pack yuri's revenge as they're the same but extras.
vinzon if your son likes red alert ONE, get him red alert 2 and yuri's revenge (expansion pack) and watch his reaction!!! :-) have you not played ra2 and yuri?
EDIT: usually the game experience begins when you double click the game but not with ra2. in ra2 the experience starts as soon as you put the disc in!!!
by the way i just checked the rating for ra2 and esrb says it's teen! i guess it's because of the cutscenes. they're not bad but some actresses aren't well dressed. when i was young i couldn't care less but i guess it's your decision (the min rating i think was 12+) so it is quite high for your son. if you still want to get it and are concerned i guess you might be able to skip the cutscenes each time they come on. besides that i guess it is perfectly fine. :-)
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 8. August 2008 @ 08:20