I currently have a 2GB memory stick and I plan to upgrade it to a 4GB memory stick. Also, I recently was able to homebrew my PSP but I am worried that when I change my memory stick to 4GB, then my PSP will mess up. Do I just copy and paste the the files from my 2GB and transfer it to my 4GB memory stick?
To answer your question,there is a couple of ways.First,you put your psp in usb mode,look in the folders which has the things you want.for example,if you want to get your gamesaves,then go to X:\PSP\SAVEDATA.Copy the files to somewhere in the computer that you know you can find.Same goes for games,just gotta find where you put the games,XD then,whenever you're done copying your stuff,get your 4GB MS and format it,then put your psp to usb mode,and paste the files into the appropriate place.You could also copy your gamesaves via PSP,but switching out Memory Stick's alot puts wear on the MS and the holder itself.Hope this helps.