Hy guys, i have a problem.I am trying to find a NES emulator that can allow me to play games in ad-hoc mode [wi-fi] and I found NesterJ 1.20.
The prob is that I can't run it on my PSP slim.I have set it on 1.5 kernel in recovery but nothing it gives me the error the game could not be started.But I saw a man on youtube with a slim playing NesterJ 1.20- LINK but 4 me it won't work and also with eLoader.
PLZ help!Thanks!!!
Yes I know 4 TimeMachine or Eloader, but, my question was how did that guy on youtube played 1.20 on his PSp slim, or is there any version to run it on a slim.eloader won't work it gives me an error report [bus] I don't know what that means.
Why doesn't this work??? I found a slim version with eloader in it.but it won't run! Try it and maybe you can help me guys!PLZ!
LINKon this link, click on the attached file down, to download.Here you can use my login daxter000 waw123waw