I am trying to make my PSP self sufficient(not needing a computer) and need only a way to play .rar files without unzipping it first. This is because the... files... that i dl using ctorrentpsp are in rar format. im sorry if this makes no sense i typed it on psp;) thanks in advance
yeah, are you to leazy to do this:
click on file with right button, then click extrack files, then where will you extrack them and ok, what is the porblem here?!
you will say now, you lose so many time...
look there isn´t a winrar for psp, ¸100%...
You can use the homebrew application "PSP Filer" to open rar files. You can just open the rar/zip files and copy its contents to where you want on your PSP.
Well if you want that your PSP games are smaller, why don't you compress them in CSO format or DAX with PSPISO compressor.Try to google that, but if you chose 9 level of compression, the game load speed will be slower, so it is better to run uncompressed, ISO.
No, im sorry for the confusion. I don't care about size, I have winRar, and all I want is a way to have winRAR on PSP. Sorry for the confusion, and it seems there isn't one.