Everytime I try play Resident Evil 3 on my psp, the game will load up normally and will get all the way to the part where the screen is black and jill will say "This is my last escape" and then the game freezes and wont load from there. Even if I leave the game alone and let it play like normally, it wont even show no kind of Gameplay from Resident Evil 3, it will only show just those regular cinematic scenes.
So then someone suggested to me that I change my ID name on my psp to SLPS and 01222. And when I tried that, before Resident Evil 3 loaded up, it asked me a question and said that I had to format the game's data before I can play it, so I did it anyway and when the game still loaded up normally, it still froze in that same spot I like I said before. Then someone else told me to try using a diffent pops loader. Now..When someone tells me to do that, I'm assuming they mean go to the IRshell and load up RE3 from there and then change the pops in that tiny little black screen. Well, I tried that and tried to change it to 3.30, 3.00, & 3.01 and none of those would even bother to load up the game at all. Normally I always select load up from original flash. So, now that I explained all the ways I tried to play this, Can anyone suggest anything else to me? Would it be better if I just downgrade my psp then? Cause I heard some rumors that RE3 plays better on a lower custom firmware. Please Help, Thanx!
I would recommend trying the 3.40 POPS version. I've played through the entire game with that POPS, and I had the same version firmware as you. If you've already tried that, try downgrading to 3.52 M33 or one of the OE firmwares.
But if I do choose to downgrade my psp (which I thought about doing anyway), is it safe? What I mean is, will I still be able to use homebrewing as long as I got that 1.50 Kernel in my GAME folder? What exactually is the best Custom Firmware to play Resident Evil 3 Nemesis on? And please link me to the Custom Firmware Downgrade if possible.