Has anyone ever thought of making a media player for PSP that will play any .avi file? If not I think it would be one of the greatest homebrew apps for the PSP of all time. I know that you can convert .ave to .MP4 and off you go but it's a bit of a pain plus it takes up so much space on your pc having two copy's of everything. If there is anyone interested in doing this (if it's not done) than I would be more than happy to help out in any way possible. Any help or suggestions on this topic would be much appreciated. I know that afterdawn.com is full of geniuses and great developers so I'm confident that something will come from this request. Hoping to hear something soon.
I have yet to find an .avi file that it won't play. It does say in the file description "480x272", but that's not the size that the video has to be, that's just the size it can play the video at.
Even if you find a video that it can't play, convert the file using Bink and Smacker--you'll still only have one .avi file if you delete the original after conversion and you'll be able to play it on both the PC and the PSP.
I got the prog you suggested but it freezes up at the start I have a 3.80m33 psp I think I installed it right I 've done this kind of stuff before can you give me a link to one you know works
I apologize, I lied. Since most of my .avi's are configured for my psp already (480x272), they worked and I figured it would downscale videos with higher resolution, but it doesn't. They just crash the system. It turns out your video does have to be 480x272 or smaller.
I did get an mpeg of higher resolution to work, but that doesn't help much with the no conversion problem.
Sorry, I didn't mean to get your hopes up; I was just making silly presumptions.
PSPTube works, but poorly. Some videos will play without conversion, but not all. If the bitrates are too high - then you'll get slow play or lose sync between video and audio.
I'm surprised no one's written or ported a better media player by now - I thought the PSP's processor would be fast enough, but I guess not.