So I've heard alot about this. I've heard you need popsloader and eboot converters or you can put the iso in the iso folder and I'm kind of confused. can someone clear this up a bit.
I'm running firmware 4.01 m33-2 and what I want to know is if I can put a playstation1 game iso in the iso folder (or any folder) and play it.
Is this possible or do I need so software or something.
2-Under "PSX Image File", browse for and select your .iso file.
3-Under "Output Folder", create a folder on your desktop with the name of your game; use it as the output folder.
You can create your own background and icon for the game. If you don't know much about photo editing, I suggest you ignore this step; however, it is good to perform this so that you can identify which game you are opening in your PSP.
All you really need are 2 photos being:
A 144px by 80px picture, used as the icon.
A 480px by 272px picture, used as the background.
I just google image search for good backgrounds and resize them to the above dimensions using Photoshop or Gimp and save them as a .PNG file.
If they are not saved as a .PNG, they won't be recognized.
After you have the two pictures, go back to Simple Popstation GUI and click on "Customize the Eboot (+)".
-Under the first/top box (ICON0.PNG), use your 144x80 picture.
-Under the third box (PIC1.PNG), use the 480x272 picture.
Everything else is unnecessary.
[END Optional]
4- In the Simple Popstation, click on GO and it will generate two files, an EBOOT.PBP and a KEYS.BIN, both are necessary so keep them both in the folder.
5- After it is finished, it will ask if you want to put the game on your PSP, if you have it handy and connected to your computer, go ahead and click on yes.
If you don't have your PSP handy right away, when you do, create a folder in
*X:/PSP/GAME/[your folder here]
with the name of your game. For example, if the game is Final Fantasy VII, then create a folder
*X:/PSP/GAME/Final Fantasy VII
or something of the sort. Then put the EBOOT.PBP and KEYS.BIN inside of that folder and you'll be all set.
I see. One more thing I heard that 4.01 m33-2 has a built in psx emulator so that I could load the iso right off the memory stick is the emulator for loading EBOOT.PBP and not isos.
I have the same custom firmware as you, it can play EBOOT PSX files that are in the game subfolder and it can run ISOPSP game files that are in the ISO folder. Both types do not require an external independent emulator to run like NES/SNES roms do. I am doing both as we speak and you just run the files under the game menu and scroll to memory stick and you should see the games available to load/run/start. I hope that made sense, it was confusing to me at first, but once you see it and have success it is easy.