Ok basically,I am looking for a new motherboard and most importantly a new CPU fan.
Problem is i have only got limited knowledge, and I'm not sure about some things that i need to know before buying them.
FSB speed,CPU type,fan size and other stuff like that.
So can anyone guide me in the direction of a good tutorial or help page or even better still, get in touch with me yourself if you have a better knowledge than i do and talk me through it.
thanks in advance for any help.
ye i wonna keep evryfin or as much as possable,im not sure of wot exactly iv got inside wots the best way 2 find out? my cpu is a pentium D duel core or sumfin i think and the RAM is DDR2 i think but not sure.
The mobo i have at the mo is a...ASRock ConRoe945G-DVI.
No they were both me lol,I just typed the text speech because its easier and i can't spell to save my life lol,didn't realise it wasn't tolerated. Sorry :( .
Yes the mobo did "crapout" lol all the connections are loose an hardly work.