I bought a eurovox tx a good while ago, everything was good for a while until I started to lose the signal on 266.000 MHz freq
( BBC 1, BBC 2, Channel 4, & UTV ) It would come and go, sometimes for half an hour & sometimes for 8 hours or more. When I do a signalfind on the Dbox the LOCK & SYNC boxes are unticked. Any ideas guys. Is there any way to boost the signal from the aerial on the roof. All other channels are fine.
Thanks for the help
P.s Im living in Kinnegad Co Westmeath if thats any help.
Originally posted by sc0user: Possibly if its a weak TP. Wouldnt say the weather of late has helped a lot either.
This was an install of mine for a family member, the TX worked 100% since last christmas but for the last month or so this current problem has started,..as the OP says channels on 266mhz now tend to come & go, we tried to pin it down but there is no pattern to it, the problem can arise in any weather conditions, we even opened all cable connectors to check for shorts but all were fine, I did suspect a faulty TX so I installed a new DM500t there but that does not even get a lock on 266mhz, BTW all freq above & below 266mhz are fine, all thats left is the antenna on the roof,..might be an alignment problem or faulty down converter ?? I know that in the past clone 500's has tuner issues, a flat spot on 266mhz but I am assured that this issue was resolved ages ago.
Originally posted by sc0user: Yep knew about the flat spot on clones Lenny, but didnt think it affected the TX. Although you are both from the same area, are the subbed boxes OK?
The OP & I are talking about the same house, I mentioned that when I joined the thread,there is a Ch**us sagem box there (not subbed any more)but we should be able to do a scan & see if it has problems on picking up channels on 266mz.
Well if the Sagem picks up 622 OK then you can rule out your MMDS set up. May be a headend problem as I heard other boxes are having problems but on N** MMDS. There is quite a bit of work going on with the network at the moment.