I am trying to setup an old pc for the kids to fool around on.I have emptied the memmory etc and rebooted to re-install windows 98.I am able to complete the full setup but at the end when it tells you to restart the computer to finish setup it reboots but once the screen apears it just jams there and I can't continue...I can't do anything at all with the computer afterwards.What could be the problem?I have been trying to find an updated bios in case the bios is shot but can't find anywhere online where I can download it without having to download scanning programs or have to pay for updates...anyone have any ideas?
if it is sitting at the windows logo screen then it might be a ram problem as i ran into that several years ago on a customer's pc. how many sticks of ram are you using & the total amount of megs of ram?
The computer actually loads and finds the ram etc but it seems to always jam when it tries to load the bios.I have installed 2 sticks of 128 megs of ram.They are both pc100's.On some instantses it retarts with no trouble but then asks for a boot diskette to be inserted or something about the cd-rom drive.Or it just doesn't want to initialize the complete shutdown and restart of the computer after re-installation of windows 98.
reseat the data & power cables to drives & motherboard. try another data cable to the hard drive, try another hard drive as signs point to the drive is causing the problem.
Thanks for the info.I finally found the problem.The graphics card was burnt out and the floppy drive had some pins that were unsoldered.I flashed the bios with the newest version,fixed it up with extra parts and it started up no problem.Now,i'll cross my fingers and hope nothing else goes wrong :/ Will keep you updated.
"The graphics card was burnt out and the floppy drive had some pins that were unsoldered" - how does that just happen? With one device, I'd suspect the device itself, but two?
i used to do board work at celestica working on sun microsystems, cisco systems, nokia cell phones & others. i've done both thru hole & surface mounted componets.