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computer freezing up????help
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19. August 2008 @ 11:22 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
My computer keeps freezing up. If I open more than 1 program. I bought more memory and it still does it. I can open internet explorer, the goto click start to look at my computer or goto open another internet explorer page and the mouse freezes. I can't even run a anti virus, it does not give me a chance. What to do?
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19. August 2008 @ 14:46 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
First I would suspect you have some file corruption, that's why explorer is giving you problems. You can do a scandisk on all your hard drives and partitions (make sure the boxes to fix all errors are check), if you can't do it because it keeps crashing. You will need need to do it from a boot cd, your best bet is to make a bartpe and use that to bootup the computer, from there just use the command line ant type in the following chkdsk c: /f , this command will fix any errors on your hard drive. (make sure you do a chkdsk on every partition/hard drive in the computer.

If that doesn't fix it, make sure you hard drives are set to DMA and not to PIO. If that checks good you might have to disable the folder video thumbnail shell from the registry, that has been known to cause crashes with explorer.
20. August 2008 @ 22:30 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Ok the first suggestion did not work. How do I check the DMA or disable the video thumbnail in the registry? How do you get to the registry? Thanks for your help.
20. August 2008 @ 22:54 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Well I don't really know if the the first suggestion worked. I was not able to actually figure out what you were asking me to do. So I scanned the disk by going to the dos cmd and typing the chkdsk c:/f it told me to exit and it would scan. It did, I went back in to my computer and it froze. I might have bigger problems. I don't know. I have a program (McAfee) I tried to uninstall, It would not completely uninstall and it keeps popping up trying to look for the start files that did uninstall. The computer doesn't only freeze in internet explorer. It freezes anytime. If I am in task manager, control panel anytime. Can I be helped?
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22. August 2008 @ 00:29 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
to disable thumbnails
Description: When opening folders with movie files in them, windows explorer (the desktop) crashes.

Problem: This is a known issue with Windows XP's video thumbnail thing in Explorer. Being a thing invented by MS, it's buggy and doesn't always know how to handle things not supported by MS, and occasionally fails on things it does know how to support too. Every now and again it will crash and take Explorer down with it. Easy to solve thankfully.
Solution: Windows XP:

* Go to Start -> Run... and type regsvr32 /u shmedia.dll

Press enter. Done. It's as simple as that. If you, for some reason want it back, simply do the same thing again, but remove the "/u". That is: Start -> Run... regsvr32 shmedia.dll

This will only disable movie thumbnails/previews, not picture thumbnails.

to check dma and reset if required
Getting back to DMA mode in Windows XP

But first check and make sure it's required. Open control panel/system/hardware/device manager/IDE ATA ATAPI controllers.

CD-ROM and DVD-ROM drives can revert to using PIO mode, despite being set to use ?DMA if Available.? Here?s how to make Windows XP redetect the DMA capabilities of the drives.

This behaviour occurs with the following conditions:

* Windows XP is the operating system
* A CD-ROM or DVD-ROM drive, which is known to support DMA mode now works only in PIO mode.
* The drive controller is set to use ?DMA if available? but reports to be only in PIO mode.

Following is the mechanism that has worked for me, please try it at your own risk, it involves hacking the registry:

1. Open RegEdit
2. Find the following KEY:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\ Class\{4D36E96A-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}\000x
3. The last four digits will be 0000, 0001, 0002, 0003, and so on.
4. Under each key, delete all occurences of the following values:
5. Reboot the computer. Windows will now redetect DMA settings.

And to run a chkdsk

1. make a bartpe cd (you need the free bartpe software and your xp installation cd) and use that to bootup your computer (this will run the chkdsk from outside windows)

bootup with the bartpe
at the GO bottom open the command box and type chkdsk c: /f , after c: is finished do the same for all the other hard drive partitions example chkdsk e: /f and so on.

If the command box doesnt work do following

Go/programs/a43 file management utilitys

Next rightclick on the C: partition/properties/tools/error checking

Right here you can run a scandisk (make sure both boxes are check to fix errors), scandisk is similar to chkdsk.

I would do that before trying to format the hard drive. Hopefully this can get the hard drive fix to where windows will recognize it again.

But also you might want to see if the antivirus company has a program removal tool, some antivirus softwares have issues in removing from computer. > forums > software, operating systems and more > windows - virus and spyware problems > computer freezing up????help

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