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F-Type To AV Trouble
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23. August 2008 @ 20:57 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I was given a tv that has no F-Type input cable in the back and only has the audio/video inputs therefore i am unable to watch cable on my tv without a cable box. So i was wondering if there was some kind of converter box that i can buy that changes F-type connection into a AV connection for my tv.
AfterDawn Addict
24. August 2008 @ 10:04 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
does ur tv not have a scart lead socket?or red/white/yellow phono plugs,no tvs have f plug,the adapter is supplied if ur cable has a screw end,fit it to that then plug into cable input.
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24. August 2008 @ 10:58 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I was told that this tv i have is a very high end professional tv so it only has like professional connections. in the back there are 4 imputs and all 4 imputs have the plug for the audio (The Red and White) but the video has a bayonet conection but i have an adaptor that converts bayonet into the yellow video plug. i know you said no tv's dont have f-type plugs but i know what one is and my tv does not have it. it even supprised me, so i thought there could be a converter box that could take f-type input cable and turn it into the a/v output.
AfterDawn Addict
24. August 2008 @ 11:48 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
it must not be much of a tv if there are no scarts as there is not a lot u can hook up,and if u have a cam corder where do u plug that into?have u looked at side and front of tv for xtra sockets?
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24. August 2008 @ 15:46 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
ok all i know is that you can do it. i was told by the previous owner that they had cable on it but they used a cable box to go from the cable IN to a/v outputs into the tv and it works. i HAVE the a/v hook ups because i can play xbox and shit on it. its more of a monitor kind of tv but you CAN hook cable up to it. i just didnt know if you can buy a converter box that does the f-type cable to a/v output conversion without having to buy service (like time warner or direct tv).
AfterDawn Addict
24. August 2008 @ 16:28 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
It might help if you gave the make and model # so we could get a picture of the back of the set!

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24. August 2008 @ 17:26 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
ok this is kind of what im looking for but i want the AV connections to be output so i can plug them into the AV inputs on my TV. there are 2 F type conection for input and output but i cant figure out if the 3 AV connections are Input or Output so maybe you can help me by figuring out how this devise works. i read the description but i dont completly understand what the unit does.
AfterDawn Addict
25. August 2008 @ 07:55 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
The devise you linked to is for connecting to tvs without Audio-video RCA connections. You plug say a dvd player into device and your cable. Then it will pass cable signal thru to tv when off anf a/v signal to TV when on thru the cable also. The a/v connection is input to the device. If you have a cable connection on your set and should then you can connect anything with cable or a/v inputs to your set.

you will need a cable connection on tv to use this device!

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 25. August 2008 @ 07:56

2. November 2008 @ 22:19 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
The set that you describe is a Monitor only. It does not have a built in NTSC tuner, which is why it lacks an RF input. No RF input, no NTSC or ATSC tuner, period. In addition, the BNC connections for video you mention, that you obtained an adapter for, indicates it was for broadcast/pro use. Of course, very high end video equipment (Runco, Sony, Vidikron, JVC, Marantz) also use BNC's for video inputs and outputs because it is far superior connection that maintains a 75 ohm impedence that most RCA's do not. (most RCA's are 52-55 ohms)

Sony made a line of "pro" series TV's that lacked RF inputs on the set, however, it had a breakout box that included an NTSC tuner and additional A/V Inputs and Outputs so that the Monitor could be built in to furniture or a wall and the box mounted in another location, connected with a special multi-pin cable.

In order to view cable on this "monitor", you will have to use a cable box, or buy a DTV converter box to watch free over the air HDTV. Both will connect via the BNC (you have an adapter) for video and red/white for audio.

Hope this helps. Bob
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2. November 2008 @ 22:41 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by cactikid:
it must not be much of a tv if there are no scarts as there is not a lot u can hook up,and if u have a cam corder where do u plug that into?have u looked at side and front of tv for xtra sockets?

If he lives in the US, the tv won't have a scart connection. We have no use for them. I've never seen a scart connection on a tv, unless they go by a different name (DVI, HDMI, etc.)? So, it could be a very good tv, and not have a scart connection!

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2. November 2008 @ 23:01 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Won't the digital converter box, that a lot of people will need in February, do what you want? See here, and scroll down a little, to see the back of the box. It has the F-type input, and the red, white and yellow outputs.
Good luck!

I guess it's about the same thing BigBob suggested above.........

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 2. November 2008 @ 23:03 > forums > home theater > receivers and amplifiers > f-type to av trouble

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