If ya'll can help it'd be much appreciated. This is only the 2nd time I've ever built my own computer. I ordered 2 of these motherboards: http://www.intel.com/design/motherbd/bv2/ HAve started on the first machine, everything is in, my old video card installed (in AGP slot - I tried to get the specs on the video card, but couldn't find a single label or anything on it to tell me what it is. Made in '00-'01 if that's at all helpful. The computer powers up, sounds to be working, all the drives have power, light on the motherboard, CPU fan and all running, but the monitor gets nothing. I tried another older video card, PCI, and got nothing from it either. From reading another thread I though perhaps I don't have enough power - but I'm not much help there unless someone can tell me how to figure out what I've got. I bought it 2 years ago and can't remember whether it was 300W or 500W, and I didn't find anything on the label - it did have a model number of like IS500, so I'm thinking its 500, but don't know how to tell for sure. So...any bright ideas b/c I am so frustrated dealing with it, and I need access to my PC! lol
i7 3770 12GB ram terrabyte sata drive 1 750Gb sata drive 285GTX graphics Sony dvdwriter same NZXT Nemesis case
Still playing Black Hawk Down why did I upgrade?
If 8X and 3.3V are newer technologies, then I'm positive my card isn't. If 3.3v, however, is older, then that's a possibility. I have no idea what the video card is, I can't find anything on it to look up with.
i7 3770 12GB ram terrabyte sata drive 1 750Gb sata drive 285GTX graphics Sony dvdwriter same NZXT Nemesis case
Still playing Black Hawk Down why did I upgrade?
I don't know what was going on -but I took the 2nd motherboard out and hooked it up. It works! So its not my cards - something must be wonky about the board. Thanks all!!