Hi there, I've been searching around for help for awhile now and I've decided that this place seemed like it knew what to do. I have a psp slim with CFW 3.71 m33-2.
I have both the Gpsp and Snes9xtyl. For some reason when I go to either, my first game is loaded automatically without me doing anything. I am unable to push home on either of them. It's as if my home and possibly start button have problems that might be connected to this? You pretty much can't play the games.
Also if related possibly, when I listen to music in the psp's standard music player, I cannot pause it with start. It shows the little spinning symbol next to the song as if I pushed home.
Anybody have any idea on what I should do? I really want this problem solved.
Cool. Thank you very much, I will try this as soon as I can :)
At the moment though, I'll have to wait until Tuesday, maybe Monday, if I'm lucky to try though. I'm unable to use my psp until then.
I'll post again and or edit my post, whichever this forum prefers then. And thanks again. You're the only person who has given me any help with this problem.
Alrighty, this is confusing. I tried both the key cleaner and updating my psp to CFW 4.01 m33 and it's still having this problem.
-I can't pause my music.
-Emulators auto load the 1st game on the list without me being able to push buttons for some reason.
-If I bring up the VSH? select menu it will freeze.
-If I attempt to type in something, it kicks me out immediately without me being able to type.