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Going to University wondering if a Mac is worth the money
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Junior Member
8. September 2008 @ 16:38 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I'm starting University this month, my course is based around multimedia. It involves web design, graphics design, flash animation etc. I've heard that Macs are the way to go and that professionals in these fields are known to use Macs.

It's just i've been using PC's for so long now that i'm very comfortable with them, I have very little experience with Macs. I'm just wondering would it really be worth the money? I know i'll need a laptop and the cheapest Mac I found was the Apple MacBook Core 2 Duo 1GB 120GB Combo which was around £655. My past experiences with laptops have been quite unpleasant (I generally don't touch them) however as i've stated i've never had a macbook.
Senior Member
8. September 2008 @ 18:18 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I don't know much about the software on the mac but one thing I have been told about the mac books is they have a longer battery life than your average laptop. Not to say that you can't get a longer lasting battery but you either have to buy a really expensive one or buy another battery that is larger and doesn't fit into the battery compartment like the smaller shorter lasting battery did.

Experience is something you don't get until just after you need it
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9. September 2008 @ 01:23 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Macbooks are better and even better if you dont want to use mac os x just go to windows by using boot camp you will still have a windows laptop and a mac for one price.
Junior Member
11. September 2008 @ 16:32 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hi...I switched back to mac back in '98...haven't regretted it since.

In terms of getting things to work and maintainability, macs are much more easier to deal with and more stable imho. I can't describe it right now b/c I'm kinda busy at work, but I can talk about it more later. When I need to re-install the OS, it's easy. If I want to install apps, it's easy. If I don't want to worry about viruses, I don't worry about viruses, that's a non-issue for me.

It costs more, but if you scale up the features so that the specs match, you'll find that (at least in the recent past), the extra expense was nominal. Given the fact that you can now run both OS'es off the same box, there's little reason not to go mac. You can now play any/all of those fabulous PC games on the mac instead of waiting some horrendous 2-3 years for an equivalent mac release.
Junior Member
11. September 2008 @ 16:34 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
mac is the preferred format for alot of the graphic design stuff (more filters, better photoshop functionality). I don't know the specifics though, so I'd have to ask one of my other buddies.
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11. September 2008 @ 17:23 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Ask the uni for a list of required software used in the modules.. that way you can find out of you can use a mac or not ;)

Most courses get a big M$ kickback to use windows only software these days.. bootcamp is bollocks.. no wireless.. and other hardware not supported.. Only a real loser runs a flawed proprietary OS on another flawed proprietary OS..

Perfect solution is a p3 era laptop running BSD XD
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14. September 2008 @ 19:40 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
lol macs stink
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14. September 2008 @ 20:16 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Actually when you start delving into professional A/V applications the mac has some of the best tools there are. Expensive but excellent.. problem is.. the M$ kickback to the universities.

By all means get a mac if that's what you want, but you may have to buy a grotty old laptop to access any online modules because they will probably insist on IE. (from experience of a friend when we had to get IE working on his mac.. compulsory modules too.. locked to M$ browser.. what a s*itter eh?)
Junior Member
15. September 2008 @ 04:01 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Thanks for the advice, i'll just have to see what the Uni says I s'pose. I don't see the point in buying one yet just to find out I either needed (Windows) or would have preferred the other (OS X).
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15. September 2008 @ 07:39 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Actually all of the sites i have seen that are internet explorer only contain spyware malware or viruses.

No site is truly locked to just one browser they would get sued if they did.

Also mac's have opera and even firefox.

So the likely hood of you running into a site that requires IE is rare at the least.
Suspended permanently
15. September 2008 @ 13:18 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Have you ever seen some of the university work modules?.. They are locked to IE in many cases.. We are not talking about your bog standard website here, but a university/business provided site which requires a pass provided by the course seller. .. heres one.. IE only go on.. try it on your mac ;)

No site is truly locked to just one browser they would get sued if they did.
what a load of absolute crap.. if I want to build a site which checks to see if you are running kazehakase (or any other exotic non windows browser) that is totally up to me.. and there is nothing you or anybody else can do about it.. My site.. my rules....
Sue away.. you would get laughed right out of court.

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 15. September 2008 @ 13:21

Senior Member
17. September 2008 @ 12:30 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Follow Varnull's advice, right on.
If you don't agree with her. Find some students who actually go to your school who are taking the same courses you plan on taking, ask them what they have, if they like their system and ask them which software is required for your course of study. Then contact the faculty in your field of study and ask them what they require, then make your choice based on the recommendations. In my day, we called this going straight to the horse's mouth, get my drift?

Last that I heard, may not be absolutely correct, but Adobe is releasing Creative Suite 4 later on in the year, and my understanding is that it will only be available in PC format.

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 17. September 2008 @ 12:34

20. September 2008 @ 14:45 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by varnull:
Ask the uni for a list of required software used in the modules.. that way you can find out of you can use a mac or not ;)

Most courses get a big M$ kickback to use windows only software these days.. bootcamp is bollocks.. no wireless.. and other hardware not supported.. Only a real loser runs a flawed proprietary OS on another flawed proprietary OS..

Perfect solution is a p3 era laptop running BSD XD
I don't know what bootcamp you are using, but my macbook black, the thing I am using right now, runs windows perfectly with bootcamp. Maybe you are talking from experience when bootcamp was still in beta testing, but now they have all the drivers for the windows side pretty much perfect.

and if you ever need to use internet explorer for a class, which I have never seen a site or class that requires that, then install windows on 10 or 20g of your hard drive and get to work. I love the mac.

I am a Computer Science major, and love to use it for school. There isn't any of that virus problem in the middle of a project. spend a few hours trying to find a way to extract the data you need before you reinstall windows.

I might have more of a problem with this because I download up and coming programs to examine and test out a lot.
21. September 2008 @ 02:36 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
sry delete this please

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 21. September 2008 @ 02:39 > forums > software, operating systems and more > mac - general discussion > going to university wondering if a mac is worth the money

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