ive have 2 maxtor harddrives and they have both quit working...not at the same time but i have 2 and now they dont work anymore. just want to get opinions on this brand. thanks.
I think they run far too hot. I have a box full of dead ones too.. the only drives I have seen fail in service rather than fail on boot. Average life seems to be 3-4 years, whereas I have Seagate and WD drives which are more than 10 years old and still going strong. the old WD caviar series must be the best for long life. I have something like 20 6 and 4 gig ones with dates in the 90's
Maxtor, Samsung and Fujitsu.. 3 brands I won't buy ;)
The early maxtors had high failure rates but now seagate are making them so you should be fine,i have 2 x 200gb maxtor diamonds for 4 years now they run well & i bought these before maxtior got seagate to make them (the maxtor label still appears even tho seagate make them),most hdd's carry a 3 year warranty some as high as 5,the reviews of the hdd's that fail the least are Hitachi then seagate along with western digital,what ever hdd you get input your product number & serial at the home site & it will give you the warranty time frame
EDIT: Come to think of it i bought the maxtors in 02
There have been good and bad maxtor series, not all bad by any means, but they seem to have higher failure rates than other brands. I'd place Samsung above Maxtor, WD above them both, and Seagate at the top, I very rarely see those go wrong, though it can happen of course. Hitachi go at the very bottom.
I had a look at my array.. and the oldest drives in there are Nikimi. (2002) I don't even remember where I got them, but they were cheap. remember they are on all the time.. so that's 6 years without a power cycle apart from the odd powercut and house move..
I haven't had any problems with the 2 Hitachi drives I run in my desktop.. both about 3 years old now.